Dubstep remix's or just great dubstep

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by gaial, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. gaial

    gaial Guest

  2. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    I think this artist would pretty appropriate as theme music for the forum.

    Xilent: Choose Me II

  3. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    I also happen to think extremely highly for this.
    In my opinion, its the best Ellie Goulding remix out there.

    Ellie Goulding - Starry Eyed (Monster! Monster!'s Cyclops Remix)


  5. wrong forums..
  6. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran


    By the way, that second one you posted- the one by Ismag, is brutal!

  7. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    Only because this is about dubstep and it's currently my music of choice. I'll share some wubs.

    When this song hits 3:00 YEAH BUDDY!

    In my opinion this version is a lot better than the one posted earlier.

    First track is sick as fuck especially when the song hits 3:00 and the rest of the mix is pretty good too.

    I hope you all enjoy.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2012
  8. this is not reviews..should be in multimedia..no biggie..jusayin
  9. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    ah good point. I didnt even notice... why is this here?
  10. good ol beauty beats
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  11. Nishua

    Nishua Veteran

    It's great to look at and to listen too. :D

  12. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    lewl. Nice.

    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  14. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    This is life changing. That was was astounding.
    "Goin' IN!!!"
  15. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    Nyan Cat Bitches!!!!


  16. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    This was fantastic idea. This is turning into a great thread.
  17. Alex S is really good.

  18. mwhays

    mwhays Veteran

    He's good at remixing songs that should not remix well.