Look what I [edit:was] requisitioning! Yep. If it gets approved, which I'm expecting it will, I should be working on one of these soon for work. boom. Yay for excess budget! I considered the six monitor version- it has three landscape-oriented 20" monitors across the top, but I couldnt justify the extra cost and I simply dont need them. Thoughts? http://www.cinemassivedisplays.com/Trio_30DX.php
My thoughts are you can get a Dell U3011 ($1000) and 2x Dell 2007FP ($250new, $79 of DFSDirect if you see them) for half the price. I'm using a U3011 right now, and am sitting on the purchase of a pair of 2007FP's if Nvidia or AMD ever support (P)ortait (L)andscape (P)ortrait setups with Eyefininity/Surround. Although if mixed resolutions ever comes into play, a pair of 24" in landscape would be cool too. So if gaming is on the table, keep in mind there is no PLP support right now and those wing's will just be for background apps while gaming. My biggest beef is those panels are TN, which if you are doing anything that requires color accuracy TN is far inferior to the IPS panel's (Ultrasharps) ability to reproduce color. $0.02 - If the objective is blowing $3k (I know how budgeting works ), pick up a set of Dell U3011's when they hit the $999 mark. Better color, more real estate, and eyefinity support now (albeit requiring a GPU each). More win.
This is a corporate puchase. Parts and pieces and multiple receipts with completely separate warranties and no phone support makes for a difficult requisition. One purchase, one requisition request, one shipment, one warranty and one phone number to call when things go wrong = worth the money in business. Your dell solution is sound and would looks great for around half for a home consumer. I'll let you guys know how this pans out. Also, in no way is this excessive. That's like saying a 4" crescent wrench is excessive, go with the half inch instead. I have a 4" bolt that needs bolting, I need a tool to fit the job. If that tool happens to look bitchin' on my desk, well.... that's just icing on the cake
Dell ultrasharps a professional grade lcds. I can see how you wouldnt want to build you own PLP setup being bought for an organization like you said but id still be inclined to get 3x30" U3011 for $3k or so. Dell corporate is just as good as any other enterprise technology provider and I wouldnt say buying from them would be unsupported. Atleast you can pick your vendor, im stuck with Lenovo through our corporate contract
3x 30's is out of the question. Too penisy for showing off to clients. Also, bad news. Well, not really bad for me, anyway. After talking with the vendor, i have dropped the purchase... they suck at their jobs and I am convinced they are hellbent in putting themselves out of business. The company I work for has well over 1 TRILLION, thats right, 1 TRILLION in assets under management and they couldnt take my order seriously? FU Cinemassive and your outdated hardware. I will continue looking.
You could just go with dual 30" Dell screens that have 2560x1600 resolution, then use your graphics card software to partition the screen so that one of them is divided into two sections. So that when you put your main app in the big section and full screen it it goes to the majority of the screen and another program or list from your main application gets "fullscreened" in the smaller partitioned section of the screen. That way you have an organized workspace that is still a large screen and huge resolution to work in. Plus the second monitor to either do the same thing or fullscreen another application or spreadsheet over there. Dell is a very well known company that would go over well when requesting something and two purchases it better than three. Plus I dont think a pair of monitors would be that hard to get by compared to trying to order three and explaining that.
Or get the same 20/30/20 setup from Dell for under $2k with what I mentioned above. 1 order, 1 vendor, and many support options.
Great point, we have a corporate deal with dell that, so I'm told by the tech staff, would make you lose you mind. I guess that's a side effect of having a 50 million a year tech budget.
If you have that kind of budget why stop at 3 screens? You can never have enough monitor real estate. Trust me I have 8 and I still run out or space all the time. What kind of work do you do?
8 screens eh? That's fairly awesome this particular setup is going to go in an office that receives clientele for face to face meetings. I need it to be useful for me and my trading plaforms, show email, a messaging server, and a we browser all at the same time. Can be done with two, but I'd prefer three screens. Its the convenience. It also has to be able to impress the clients without looking overbearing. It will also show off our flagship consumer trading platform. Im worried that two 30's is overkill. I may be wrong. I'll have to break out the measuring tape again.