As you can s-e-e, ev-erytim-e h-e types -it hy-phen-ates all -of his wo-rds and what not. I ch-eck-ed his lang-uage and k-eyb-oard lay-out. B-ut I think he hit something on his com-put-er to mak-e it do this. Als-o -push the left ar-row k-ey and it does this -------- -which is -retarded l-ol I'm als-o scan-n-ing his c-om-put-er j-ust in cas-e but any ideas?
Well I changed it to another english (US) keyboard and it seems to have fixed the issue for now. But any suggestions on how it did that?
Plug in a USB keyboard and type with that. If it works then you have a hardware issue. If it doesn't then its software, fixing it goes from there. Attack the source not the symptom.
One thing I ran into once was a guy said his computer was always hitting minus when he pressed plus. (Accountant type, so he relied heavily on the numeric keypad). Turned out to be a sesame seed stuck between the plus and minus keys... (May not be applicable in this case)
well its only like 4-5 months old. But I changed the keyboard layout from the default and then back to the original US default and it seems to be working just fine.
Might have been something stuck that was activating the other sensor. Is the laptop keyboard individual mechanical keys or chiclet?
I know.. I have always laughed at that. I always jump immediately to the little gum that you used to get in those 25c gumball machines..