I had auto-correct turn taco into taxi on me. I guess that is not half as embarrassing as the OP though...
Some of those are PRICELESS. lol. My favorites are some of the ones where people freak out on the autocorrect, and keep getting autocorrected. just. . . lol. /giveup
Funny if they really happened. I think most of them are probably faked. Case in point: Auto-correct would never suggest the word "fuck" as a replacement for anything.
I am pretty sure the iphone uses adaptive auto-correct. So if you use a word a lot it will suggest that word as the correct spelling first. Thats why some of the suggestions are so funny on some of these.
I'm pretty sure this is true - I'm new to iPhone but I have noticed strange things coming up on auto-correct, thankfully, nothing as funny as these.