Nice black monday deal if you haven't totally boycotted origin. Battlefield 3 is 29.99 and arkham is down to just 24.99.
FML missed this post I wanted BMAC Just the story on Origin *yes im late sue me*. *sighs* the age where we have rights to our privacy is coming to an end.
Arkham city is a mess right now though. Hopefully they release a patch soon. DX11 is unplayable for well mostly everyone and there is a pretty bad sound stuttering issue during FMVs.
DX9 or DX11? I get a great performance everywhere, until a FMV starts and then I can barely hear what they say due to stuttering. Really kills the immersion.
11 and no issues. It did stutter once when I first started the game in the fmv but has not happened since.