bahaha I definitely mean the movie! Oh man, its so stupid. Sorry to see there is no love for the Other Guys! My girlfriend put it on while she was cleaning and I was watching it. I don't care what y'all say, I haven't laughed so hard at a movie in a good while. No doubt, the plot is ridiculous and the writers were way out of control, but c'mon! Samuel L Fuckin' Jackson and The Rock aim for the bushes, jump of a 40 story building commit suicide in the first scene!! How can that not be hilarious? And Mark Wahlberg's cracks about how much a bitch his partner Will Farrel is? "The sound of your piss hitting the urinal, It sounds feminine!" and "I hate your farts. They're not masculine enough. They sound like a baby blowing out birthday candles. 'Phff...'" Bahaha... solid laughs. OK, this thread could definitely be closed now. I think I've made my point.
It's definitely a funny movie but when I hear "fan" I think series so I was thinking you ment the other "guys" title.
I love that movie. Saw it with my buddies when it came out and it had some really funny moments. Plus, I'm a big Mark Wahlberg fan.
The Other Guys was a pretty damn funny movie. I enjoyed it very much. I thought Will Ferrell was hysterical, Michael Keaton even played his role well.
hays, we make an effort to quote the other guys at least once a day at work. It doesn't get old. EVER.