Yup. Many of us knew that Steam was hacked a few days ago, but no one has known till now the extent of the damage. Turns out usernames, encrypted passwords, purchase history, encrypted CC info, and more was stolen. So change your passwords and be looking for mysterious charges on your card, or better yet get a new CC number. http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/news...lve-announces-massive-steam-server-intrusion/
Sadly Steam has some of the better security of many companies :/ Lots of video game makers getting hacked lately. Probably by the same people too.
well sony network got hacked again lol over 9k accounts I think or 90k and they locked them and sent out emails to the people to tell them to change there password lol
Crap... i used my credit cards with steam a couple of times before (to get cashback on my purchases). Now I have to change my steam password too
My steam account is tied to an email from like 10 years ago (or something like that). Its not even active anymore, hopefully I can find a work around.
Been boycotting steam since it exists. Tying Half-Life 2 to their online leash was the thing that turned me off right from the start.
Steam sucked, bad, especially on release. I boycotted it from the getgo, too. They found their niches but offline and offline-mode games requiring online verification is still 100% bogus.
That isnt really Steams fault though, thats just how the world has to be with so many people pirating software these days. And I dont mean what all the companies say about how "Pirating killed the PC industry" and "Anyone who plays PC are pirates" and all that. Console has a ton of people pirating too, far more than game companies realize and it is becoming more prevalent. Companies are just trying to find ways to get the income they are deserving of. IMO though the companies are fueling the problem now days by charging much more than the game is ever possibly worth and filling it with so much DRM that it just causes problems. Im glad Steam is so easy to use for activation, I prefer it to any other form of DRM in the world.
Offline and offline-mode games still torrent alongside the same Day 1 (or even before retail) cracks that they always did. One minor tweak per major update and it all works as advertised. Eight years ago, running a companion program (and an inferior one at that) in the background for any game was bandwidth murder. I could probably count past both hands (a marvelous feat, I assure you) how many players I knew that would have to shut down AIM and any other "bandwidth hogging" programs just to get reasonably stutter-free play. Players used Gamespy (way better listing system, way better everything) before Steam, or at least a program that didn't have any CPU utilization while not directly operated. The only benefit is that the updates are right there, news and video card vendor links immediately accessible. It's a perfect design for lazy people. And now that it is tolerable as background gravy, what we get from it now is some mandatory enforced bondage. Steam's motto should just say "Bend over, and enjoy!" Fuck that, I say.
You mean that thing all games, including store bought discs, do? I can swear I remember having to do it before steam even happened. We are talking about how the key is entered into the program and then the game uses the internet to determine if the key has already been used right? I mean find a PC game that doesn't have "online verification required" right on the box. If you can download a steam game, you can enter your code right then and there and play offline forever if you want. You don't even need to have steam running to play the steam game if you just make a new shortcut from the folder: It is surprising how often steam complaints are from people who don't realize how to bypass the problem they are having, it is common on their forums at least. But really if you can't get online that often, why buy from an online retailer in the first place?
Just had some weird charges blocked this morning, and considering how many places have my credit card on file (four) and how many of those have ever been hacked (one), it seems probable it came from Steam. Their prices are getting to the point that I doubt I'll buy anything from them again, anyway.
The problem is, what they charge 59.99 for in the US, they'll often charge 89.99 for here. So, when they discount it by $40, it's not really a bargain.
Oh ya out of country their prices can be brutal I hear. Have some friends in the UK and Australia that complain about it constantly. Kyoji during the major sales most everything goes on sale. Eve Anno and Batman Arkham City were on sale. I got a pile of games from the last sale like the aforementioned, serious sam 3, the dungeon defenders DLC, a handful of indi games like binding of isaac, sword of the stars II, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Total War Megapack, X3 Albion Prelude, Star Wars Force Unleashed 1 and 2, Homefront and Cthulu Saves the World. All were 40-80% off.