Source = This sucks, if I have to start paying tax for internet purchases I might as well buy it locally and get the items right away instead of waiting up to a week. The sad part is that I really loved and I do around 80% of my online shopping on
You do know most of the " online shopping" sites charges tax, so what makes Amazon special? Yes I do know NOT every single site does so but they still will prob have offers over sites/ actual store wont just like many other online sties tha still charges tax
It's just the eventual tax progression. Maybe next, you will get taxed twice. Once from the delivering state and then one for the receiver.
That is just bullshit. The point of state taxes was because you lived there. Forcing people to pay taxes is going to make everyone just buy things locally. Cost item + tax + shipping and handling. You might as well drive to your local Walmart and save 3-5 cents. HAHAHA
Where the fuck do you do your shopping? I have NEVER been charged tax for any online purchasing. I have been doing online purchasing since I was 14 with money orders and I have never had tax issues.
Some online companies do charge sales tax where they have or previously had a presence in your State. I think this move was inevitable. I think States are losing a lot of money by not collecting sales tax on internet purchases. As much as I would hate to pay more since I do the majority of my shopping online.. I just hope the double tax does not come into effect at some point.
I guess that I will be buying all my games from Gamestop from now on instead of when they implement the tax charges on their site.
Again there are online sites that do charge tax base on your state and again not every site is like this.
I think this is a good move. As much as I hate paying more for things, we are taxed to pay for government departments and having a huge drop is tax money coming in has really hurt the government income. If you dont want to pay as much taxes then you should vote to have the government do less so they dont require as much money to run. But since most people in the US vote for more stuff from the government, thats why we need all this stuff to be taxed. You cant have government stuff and no taxes, life doesnt work that way. Yet most people seem to think we should be able to do that which is why people are mad about having to pay taxes again online. Hasnt Steam always collected taxes? I seem to recall always having tax charged on purchases.
Yeah.. Everything I buy is charged tax.. On top of that, everything you buy online that dosen't have have tax put on it you're are supposed to claim at the end of the year and be taxed for it, ( at least in NYS) I can see both sides, why do some stores have to pay tax and Amazon doesn't? In addition, why is the other stores' business? And yes, other websites DO charge sales tax. I got a random email from Blizzard one day saying they "forgot" to charge tax on my subs and had a nice chunk of change taken out of my account for a whole years worth of a subscription. And yes, Steam does, I'm looking at my bill for Skyrim and tax is there.
Well I played one other MMo that did that BUT they sent out letters stating what they are doing and when and how much it was only 4 months worth tho BUT they did how ever they did split it where one month you pays for your normal sub with tax then the 2 month miss tax and then next month same thing
but still lol, did they release a letter or something saying on this day this much will be taken? or did they give u a day then take it then said something lol
I hope there was notification because what if that overdrew someone's bank account? I'm sure a lot of college students play that might only work part-time and only have so much money in their account.