well new players get a exp boost and alot of free buffs and what not and PK safe items ( thats if u want to use them)
idk lol but if other would liek to play once its f2p my name is zileth in game and im on the NA server
Used to play a long time ago never serious, started a trial account to see how much has changed and just to amuse myself.
well now there a buff you can get all the way up to lvl 75 and a pvp def puff up to lvl 39 BUT only stops ppl 10 lvls higher then you. I think also you dont drop anything if you die like you use to BUT i think you only drop items if your Pking people and someone kills you have a chance. The major changes dont really come tell the Goddess of Destruction patch or GoD patch
At level 26, enjoying it, I miss have a massively large world to run around. Playing DE - Palus Knight atm
there a guild called Perfect or something like that thats recruiting now, they been on the server for some time and the guy opening hte doors for new members to join since some old members left L2 this is the guild im following since the quest system in l2 is meh still its the one that says 2nd place winner http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=218012
Joined the clan, been leveling and having a good time so far hit 28. Died before I got off for bed, :< quick question does antidote work against poison cause I click the item and usually nothing happens.
Got to 34, about 20% of my way through it in ant hell. Going to be working my way through to 35 this week and trying to work on my second job change quest. Found out I can't sub my account(since that is disable) so once I come off my trial I might be stuck till GoD comes out. The game has changed a lot since I last played it 7-8 years ago, herbs make leveling nicer, the system of rested exp is mind blowingly nice. I am enjoying it a lot, and looking forward to stuff in the later of the game. Super excited for GoD(so I can keep playing), going for a bladedancer : ))
ah nice, oh didnt know they stopped people ffom subbing lol guessing that means GoD is getting closer well as I said Iv been following a guide and iv been lvling pretty fast lol got to lvl 40 and now doing me class change lol at lvl 35 I started on the guide here ill post it =P
PersonalRiot Edit: Taking a break for abit, since I dropped down to level 1 vit. So I am going to rest my way back up to 3.