FPS DivisionHow old are you? 28 What game(s) are you applying for? BF3 (Competitive) Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes Previous Gaming Experience: I generally play 35+ hours of FPS games, as well as MMORPG's. I started playing FPS on the PC platform since Rogue Spear. After that I started playing Quake 3 Arena, Counter-Strike, Raven Shield/Athena Sword, SoF II (with Team Andromeda), Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield 2, Bad Company 2, and now Battlefield 3. Why did you choose XoO: I have so far played with XoO members and have had an awesome time. I even met a few members at PAX East 2011. Everybody seems smart, cool, and experienced. I believe I can learn a lot from every member I encounter, thus improving my own gaming skills. What will you contribute to the guild? I believe that my ability to switch from Offensive to Supportive very quickly whenever my squad needs to will be an asset for XoO. I have no Qualms playing offensive, then if I die and one of my XoO squad members needs ammo I will spawn on them as Support. I understand trying to get most kills and playing offensive only does not win XoO games. Localization: US Do you have a referral? moneda A little bit about yourself? I am 28 years old. I live in Brooklyn, NY. I work at the NYSE Global IT department in New York, New York. I generally love to play FPS on the PC Platform. As for MMO's and Racing simulation games, I can do fine on either PC or Console. Activity level? 35+ Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to your game's usergroup? Yes