Source What will happen to apple in the long run when other major manufacturer start edging into "their" profits? The only other sector Apple has ever been dominant in has been MP3 players, an area that is largely disappearing due to Smartphones being able to fill that role without carrying an extra device. That isn't to say Apple will fail, it just looks like they may not stay the juggernaught they are currently. I had an iPhone for 3 years, I then moved to the Samsung Captivate and greatly look forward to the Samsung Nexus Prime due out next month. It will be the first phone carrying the Android 4.0 OS and on Verizon(Who I am switching to from AT&T because I'm beyond tired of no signal) What are your cell phone desires? On an unrelated side note I accidentally closed this tab entirely while trying to switch back for the last URL. Thinking I would have to completely retype my post I went to my recently closed pages and clicked this one to find my entire post still there without an issue. I love you Chrome <3
I refuse to go back to iAnything after I finally got a droid phone. The only reason why I had one in the first place was because it was so inexpensive to purchase used outside of a contract from people versus an android based phone and place on a prepaid unlimited plan. After realizing I wasn't even scratching a gig of data, jumped on a Verizon plan with someone. Right now, because it was free... got the Moto X2, but the Samsung phones are GORGEOUS. I plan on picking one up after this agreement is over when they've refined the 4g battery life problem.
Actually the Prime solves the problem, it has something in the order of 5x the battery life of the Captivate.
Yeah the Prime is the first phone to make me want to switch to Verizon and up here Verizon gets a lot of flak.
wha??? That would be crazy. I can go 48 hours between charges on my old Samsung Captivate. It was by far my favorite phone. 5x the life would put me over a week of usage lol
Down here Verizon is pretty much the promised land. AT&T is the worst, like most everywhere. T Mobile is slightly better but not much. Sprint is next with pretty good service as long as you dont go into any rural areas and then there's verizon with 4G LTE pretty much anywhere that has a high amount of people and/or cows.
On the shore AT&T is king. Verizon's service is sub par at best and Tmoble/Sprint are barely existent. I am currently using a Captivate and the Galaxy S II was what I thought I'd be upgrading to. Any thoughts?
Galaxy S 2 is your best bet with AT&T if you like androids. I did quite a bit of research before deciding to switch.
Yeah, but it's not available yet. Otherwise, I'd have it if that were the case. If it's still the top contender in 2 years, (doubt it, lol) I'll get it. I really like Samsung products.
Not sure if the Galaxy II is out yet, I'll likely upgrade in December, I've been looking into the prime, it's a tough choice.
I love my Droid Bionic but was a little sad that they didnt place the Samsung screen in it like they are with the Droid Razr. Would prob held off tell the razr came out but needed a new phone after I crashed my old Droid X by swithcing wallpaper lol
If you are able to pick the Prime it is a direct upgrade from the Galaxy II. Higher OS, 4G, faster pretty much everything. Galaxy II is out yet. Use this site to compare phones that are already out.
Oooh I found a few articles saying the Nexus Prime will likely release for AT&T in the coming months. I might just wait so I don't have to switch to the inferior provider. (Inferior where I am located at least.)
lol. and arent you going on about how amazing Motorola phones always are? Your link says the oposite.
It was similar to the iPhone 4S as well before it came out. The stats for some reason before the phone comes out seem to always be less than what they are. If you compare those stats versus the geekaphone ranking you will see it gave the Galaxy S 2 several categories that in fact the Nexus Prime has(Or they tie in). As I said before, use geekaphone for phones that are already out. When the Nexus Prime comes out you will see that link changing drastically as the page for the iPhone 4S did.