Just wondering, but who or what was the last product (since and i-product) that everyone on the freaking planet owned .... I mean its quite a social and techno revolution that he created I am by no means an "apple" person but I do own an Ipod Gru
Coca-Cola, Toyota, and Nokia are the most widespread brands I'd guess. You'd find only a handful of people here who have never owned any Apple product, but in some parts of the world you could hardly find anyone who has.
Apple's likely going to need a big release(iPhone 4S not being it) to keep their edge in the cell phone battle. I will say it was brilliant of Apple to not release any cut down or sub par versions of the iPhone. A lot of the people I know who use droids and dislike them bought older(or cheaper) model phones that simply cant run many of the new apps or flash. Its like folks who buy a refurbished W7 laptop with a gig and a half of ram for a few hundred bucks then bitch because it doesn't run well. They don't understand the problem isn't OS based. Apple has in both it's phones and computers enough of a handle what makes it to the floor to stop any sort of misunderstanding like that. edit: I don't say this as an apple fanboy. I own an android phone(Captivate which I love) and always been a fan of microsoft OS over apple because I game.