I have been playing Crime Craft, a free mmo game on steam, and it's really fun. It takes place after an economic collapse in the near future, where gangs have taken over. Anybody else playing this game? I like it a lot and it has a good sized community at the moment. Anybody interested in bringing XOO there? At the moment I don't have the extra cash/time to be investing in these big mmo games, so this free alternative where we can bring XOO in would be pretty cool.
Oh yeah, and for those of you who like the crafting aspect of mmo games, there is a lot of crafting in Crime Craft (duh). Auctions are VERY successful, as most people would rather buy than make.
I played this some as well and have to say that it's a fairly worthy shooter, with some similarity to APB Reloaded. The anti-cheating guards are also pretty strong as far as I can tell.
I played the game in the past and really enjoyed it. It has one of the best combat mechanics of any shooting MMO. I stopped playing though because lack of friends wanting to play it with me and other good games coming out. If people are interested, then ill play until TOR comes out.
I'd play if we get a group going. I heard it was plagued with hacking too, as most f2p are, but its worth a try.
Cool! I'm on the server Euricho and my toon is named DrJerky (as always). I'm almost lvl 30 and have a pretty good loadout. I'm on usually between 7:00-11ish paciffically specific time. I'f we could start a Xen gang on there, that would be sweet. Especially with the daily tournaments.
Come on guys, what are you waiting for?? I haven't received a single message yet. Do we want to be a guild that stays stagnant between big releases? Do we only want to pop up when the "next big thing" happens? Get XoO in these "smaller" games. Hell, I'll head it up if somebody wants to help me.
well hacks are in ever game just more so ppl cant play a shooter game with out them lol also they made it easy to hack in APB