The Beta has now been launched. For now only a few invites have been sent and mainly members of Blizzard + Family. In the next few days more invites should be sent to the public. Until then, we can watch peoples livestreams who managed to get into the beta.
Nasty has a couple friends @ Blizzard. He always gets us early access to anything Blizzard. Both of them confirmed that it's under a VERY limited F&F beta right now with only 1 - 2 hours of content even playable. We'll be in the next round of invites most likely.
I really hope so, I don't mind waiting for the game to actually come out, but I would like to play the Beta for the sole reason of deciding on what class I wish to play. I am thinking Witchdoctor, but depends on how he feels. Word has it that Monks are the most powerful class at the moment.
Awesome. Can they get you anything cool? Or can they get me anything cool? I've had Sirius for over 2 years now and love it. Skill Generator is out, don't forget that abilities have runes.