Pics or it didnt happen Ok back on topic. Some places have said the opening sequence really is more epic than the ME2 beginning. With the reaper invasion and the scared little kid who gets vaporized by a reaper laser and all that. What do you think, is it possible to have a more epic beginning than what was in ME2?
Love it. Was so tired of always dying everytime I tried to melee in ME2. In other news, I honestly didn't think that was an epic opening at all. If anything it was the opposite. It was super emotional yes. But not quite epic. Running 15 seconds through a tiny burning ship isn't exact;y mindblowing Unless you just meant epic as in super awesome, which it was.
Thats what I was meaning. I loved how the game threw you into the action straight off, and made you walk through your ship as it was being torn to pieces. Being able to look up and see space outside the ship. And then have it all torn away as you die saving the best character in the whole series. It was pretty great. BTW. I thought Joker was cool in the first game, but he was just great in the 2nd. I loved every scene with him in it. Some great gameplay footage, game looks mindblowingly sexier than the last one. Also showing the voice command stuff in action.
There's no way Bioware would ever release something like that before the game comes out. Tali's face is a huge thing in the community (despite what folks around here have said). I am curious though if they will leave her mysterious and for the player to imagine or actually show what's beneath that mask.