<<TOKYO (Reuters) – Japanese video game developer Sega Corp said on Sunday that information belonging to 1.3 million customers has been stolen from its database, the latest in a rash of global cyber attacks against video game companies. Names, birth dates, e-mail addresses and encrypted passwords of users of Sega Pass online network members had been compromised, Sega said in a statement, though payment data such as credit card numbers was safe. Sega Pass had been shut down.>> Bullet points : _Password were encrypted (not stored in plain text à la Sony) _Payment detailed were safe because processed externally. Unexpectedly, Lulzsec has offered their help in tracking down the intruders : <<In its offer to assist Sega, the Tweet from Lulz hinted that its leaders might count themselves among a small but highly loyal group of gamers who still play on the aging Dreamcast console. "Sega - contact us," Lulz said in its Tweet to the video game developer. "We want to help you destroy the hackers that attacked you. We love the Dreamcast, these people are going down.">> As a SEGA fan, this gives me a kind of warm and fuzzy feeling inside Those guys (Lulzsec) can't be that bad after all Link : http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110618/tc_nm/us_britain_hacking_sega
To be perfectly honest, I've never really seen lulzsec or Anon as entirely bad. I'm sure some of the hackers who are out to harm people find their way into these groups. However, I've always viewed them as sorta combating the rash of internet censorship/monitoring from the government and general lethargy on the part of big corporations.
Not a big fan of Lulzsec they don't seem to have a reason for hacking anyone, they just do it because they want to.
Lulzsec does it for the lulz. I'm not really a fan because I find it pretty ass that they release so many people's personal info for the lulz. On the bright side, I have been more attentive to some of the basic security principles because of them.
Lulzsec just seem to enjoy anarchy, though I'd stop short of calling them anarchist because they have no apparent political goals. However, they're very selective with what organisations they want to stir up. As opposed to Anonymous, upholding the interests of consumers isn't their primary goal; they just give object lessons regarding who consumers should do business with. Hence releasing credit card details etc.; because it doesn't force consumers to act if there are no real consequences.
I bet you they were the kiddies who would hang out on Cronus and crash the server so they can dupe their 1337 GEERZ.
I think Azure Battalion hung out at Miranda 7 as well at one point. Of course, the home of the legit players kept changing every time there was an influx of noobs.
Exactly. People don't wake the fuck up on their own because they are morons so they need a kick in the head. Also fuk the police.
for someone who can't hack you sure cheer for a lot of hackers. a product no doubt of age or you are a, in secret, a hacker groupie.
I chose Miranda 7 by myself since I started playing. Then it was chosen by PSO World as official ship/lobby. Watching again some Haibane Renmei and their little wings in the back reminded me of my chibi FOmarl with angel wings mag. I miss my PSO chars >.<
I am a hacker groupie. Also, drawing a distinction between "Anonymous" and "Lulzsec" is kinda pointless. I'd be surprised to come across a member of one that wasn't a member of the other.
True, but I'm sure there are Anons that have no interest in LulzSec or helping them. Referring to LulzSec is more direct, as they gave themselves that name to specifically claim responsibility for things like this.
Anonymous didn't start as "hacktivists" or whatever Fox news wants to claim. No, large gatherings of supporters joined together to attack Scientology in the streets, in person, not behind a computer screen. That's not being a groupie that's supporting something you believe in. The hacking arm of Anon is only part of the whole. You don't need to be a hacker to be Anon, we are all Anon, we are legion and I wear my Guy Fawkes mask with pride.
I very much doubt that. I wouldn't be surprised if both originate from 4chan but Lulzsec has different objectives and is an actual (probably small, exclusive) group as opposed to a movement.
Did you hear about the 19 year old arrested in London who is the suspected leader of Lulz? My friend just told me about it when he saw me reading this thread.