Update ready to change your PSN password. http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/05/14/ps3-system-software-update/
I'm ready to sell my Playstation 3. Someone tried to buy some stuff on the credit card I used for PSN not too long after Sony said that Credit Card information may have been compromised. Luckily I caught it quick. Now I need to get a credit report every other month to make sure I don't have someone pretending to be me. Good luck that will do them since I'm poor.
Why wouldn't you just call you CC company and tell them your card is compromised and they will send you a new card with a new number. Also do you use the card anywhere else other then PSN? If you do then it could have been compromised at anytime and place that you used it. If you use it on your comp run some malware and antivirus scans because it may be a key logger on your comp as well.
I've got a Sharp Aquos LCD. 42" or 47", can't remember quite off the top of my head. Its a good T.V. got it at a good price. The only problem I have with it is that I wish the refresh rate on it was slightly higher. Other than that is greats.
Yeah, that's what I did. Fortunately, my credit card company stopped the payment/reversed it/whatever. It is my "Emergency" and "Work" Card which I have not used it in a few months. I also use it for PSN since I didn't trust Sony with my debit card just in case someone stole my ps3 and went on a buying spree. I went a week without that credit card and it inconvenienced me while I was out of town working. If this happened during Hurricane season I would have been up shits creek since I don't have enough money to survive a long evacuation of 4 days+. And also Fortunately, I haven't flooded due to the Mighty Mississippi. If I evacuated for that and didn't have that card it would not be good either. I just think of the hardships that could have happened to me and could happen to someone else who may have put their debit card on it or people who don't/didn't catch it. Also, since they had my credit card info that means they have my other info. Hence the cost of me doing credit check every other month. I can't blame Sony because all our shit is out there with Apple, Amazon, etc. We are all going to get hit one day anyway so I want more people to be aware of the dangers of technology. But oh well......Stupid Shithead Sony.
Sony Ericsson has been compromised as well... http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110525-715170.html This is never going to end.
They released the info for US residents to get free credit reports and identity theft protection, I highly recommend anyone effected to take advantage of this service. Canadian residents hang tight, deals are in progress to have the same or similar services available.
You can't imagine how glad I am to : _Not having bought PlanetSide from a Sony shop. _Not having ever subscribed to it with my credit card. The fact I get spammed with phishing attempts on my e-mail is annoying enough, I'd hate to have real money problems on my credit card because of those fuckers. The ID theft protection you speak of is only for the US and only lasts one year. Remember : "Friends don't let friends buy Sony"
Sony was asking for it when they said the hackers were a "minor annoyance" and that they would be dealt with swiftly. Funny how that turned out
http://us.playstation.com/news/consumeralerts/identity-theft-protection/ Upon receipt of your AllClear ID PLUS activation code, you will have until June 28th, 2011 at 11:59:59 PM CST to redeem on the AllClear ID website. AllClear ID PLUS is a service offered by Debix and not by Sony, so if you are interested in signing up for the service, please be certain to review all the information about the program on the AllClear ID website. The service is subject to the AllClear ID terms and conditions.