Comes out Tuesday. Dedicated servers, server control, parkour movement, and very team oriented and objective based. Videos Add me to steam "triggerpappy" IRC is #brink We will be livestreaming and having a release day event at Fragworld with Brink tshirt and bandana giveaways. Ill be posting more details for those interested and you can poke me in TS. Surprised it hasn't made more noise here. These guys made Enemy Territory Wolfenstein and Brink is very PC and team friendly. Just our style. So who is playing ? and who is on the fence?
Ya I made a thread trying to drum up some interest about a week ago. What exactly are you guys doin on release? Ill have it opening day!
We are doing an event where gamers can hang out in fragworld's teamspeak and play on our 3 servers. We will be streaming live and giving away stuff like swag. We are also doing some events with Brink TV over the next couple weeks. Stop on by. Hopefully if there is enough peeps Xoo can get a division going.
I think that's a great idea foe. It is my hope to see this become the first competitive game in the FPS division (if all goes well); but until then I think we need a place to gather.
let me know how many are interested and see if someone can form up a list so we cans see if its worth getting a forum and a dedicated TS channel.
I will be around for sure. 3 hours to go until launch Name is Norrak1 on Steam, but I am in the XoO group as well.
Anyone figured out how to get co-op working to run challenges with your friends. So far setting all the port forwarding stuff up will not let anyone connect. Read thru the forums seems to be a common issue no one can get this part of the game to work.
Giant Bomb quick look up for it. Only 8 maps and what they showed looked like they are pretty small maps. Doesn't sound like a $50 or $60 game to me.
No idea, I thought it was because I was trying to connect with my brother who's on the same network. But alas it seems to be affecting everyone. Also I keep getting crashed to desktop every 15 minutes or so. Very annoying.
I had fun playing it tonight ... worth 50 maybe i dont know yet ... time will tell how the MP stands up but so far its pretty good
Ya the games defently worth 50 bucks for the Single player part alone. Whatevers causing issues with the co-op hopefully can be worked out. The 8 vs 8 multiplayer is actually pretty good nice change of pace instead of people just running around shooting for no reason. The SMART system is alot of fun you can really get around to alot of crazy places to setup ambushes.