CCV codes are not saved on Sony servers just on your PS3. And the CC info was probably not taken and is encrypted even if it was. Most likely a scam to try and scam other scammers.
Sony has actually gone back and forth about that 3 or so times deadend. It's unclear if those are saved remotely at this point or not.
Sony's official status on the ccv.. Q: Was my credit card data taken? A: While all credit card information stored in our systems is encrypted and there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, we cannot rule out the possibility. If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, out of an abundance of caution we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained. Keep in mind, however that your credit card security code (sometimes called a CVC or CSC number) has not been obtained because we never requested it from anyone who has joined the PlayStation Network or Qriocity, and is therefore not stored anywhere in our system. UPDATE: While we do ask for CSC codes, we do not store them in our database. I underlined and bolded the part that they have actually crossed out on their site... so in other words, its more than likely that they do have it. However, the data is still encrypted. I would just call and change the card if you ask me, that's what I did, took 5 minutes.
The bolded part would mean a whole lot moreif it didn't open with "Your credit card info was not stolen and was encrypted" Two things that have been proven false.
so wait.... they 1st say they dont ask or need the code but then turn around and say they do fail company rep doesnt know crap lol
Keep this in mind when you get your info from shitty little blogs they want hits they don't care about accuracy or truthfulness. Sony has issued about 3 official statements and had the details wrong in one Q&A and has since corrected it. Contrary to what people want nobody knows every detail and policy in a company as large as Sony and no computer security is completely secure when it is connected to the internet. Since they ask for the number when you fill out the CC info they obviously use it. The only thing that matters is if they save it they said they don't and since they don't (because if they lie about this at this point the company will likely get killed with lawsuits I doubt they are) this story is about a scam nothing more. People are really treating Sony like some people treat rape victims by blaming them instead of the person that did it. They really act more like monkeys then they like to believe hollering,screaming and flinging shit around when ever they get scared or if they want some attention.
You mean the US governments propaganda channel? Nooo they never tell lies not ever. ::x: :drool: :bigeyes:
So you respond to me by saying I am going :tinfoil: by going :tinfoil: over an established source? Sort of losing credibility here. Admit it, sony fucked up big here. At the very least the class action suit should get the details on exactly how once and for all.
Oh they fucked up don't get me wrong but the info that was captured can be had else where. Any competent investigator can get your personal info in a few hours if they really want it. Sony should have had everything encrypted just because it would keep those people that sue for coffee being too hot away. But the fact is if you put any, ANY info on the internet ANY where somebody can get to it if you don't like it keep it off the internet in the first place and the only way to do that these days is to not sign up for any service including phone, internet ,credit cards, even loans and mortgages everything. I believe nothing news stations say these days they are in too tight with all the other corporations and governments (most of which are bought and payed for by those same corporations) for me to believe anything they have to say with out me personally doing some research off the beaten paths and even then I never trust anything I find completely. Hell just on general principles I request a new CC every year and I only have one that I watch very very carefully because every time you use that fucker there is a chance somebody can get it even and especially at physical stores. The internet is not safe and it is not secure and it never will be because it was never designed to be get over it or get off it.
You guys are getting WAY worked up. Regardless of who you believe, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. News stations distort the truth as I am sure Sony representatives do. Everyone is in it for themselves and will do what it takes to stay afloat I am sure. Please no more calling each other out or I will sick Commie or Delshin on you guys.
thus if it gets stolen or u lose it your i like having CC plus its faster to buy things
1st off it is sony fault since they allowed this to happen and didnt catch it, 2ns thing it took sony HOW LONG to tell ppl oh btw your info was stolen and maybe some ppls CC was also Also the rape victim thing wont work in the case since ALOT of ppl dont see it like that only the ones that are fucked in the head or the ones that never liked the person and wants the victim to think it was there fault. Yes the hacker is the bad guy but still as before its the company fault if they allow sht to get stolen, Just like if your game account gets hacked from a keylogger its your own fault since your computer security sucks ass not the gaming company. So this is the same issue where sony got hacked threw there network