I've been warned to stay away from this movie, by a friend who had been hyped about it for months before.
I DL'd it to watch it a couple nights back. I hadn't bothered to look at the runtime, so when I got tired about an hour or so in where nothing substantial had happened I paused it and went to bed. In the morning, I woke up and looked at how much I had left figuring it would be a couple more hours of long drawn out shit. Turns out, 20 minutes.... 8 of which were credits. That, is how not to pace a film.
Everyone said to avoid this movie. I just saw it and liked it quite a bit, maybe because I expected the worst - who knows. Definitely reminded me of Cloverfield. It was different from your usual alien invasion movie, and that was the great thing about it. The greatest thing about it was there was no Will Smith.
Some ppl dont think so. There plenty of movies iv seen that everyone LOVED and i thought it was crap lol
Same here. I thought "Get Him to the Greek" was a piece of shit but everyone seems to love it. Same with "The Prestige." It goes the other way around too. I thought "Idiocracy" and the Riddick movies owned, but everyone else thinks they're average or totally suck.