I was reading that they updated and were opening access to a lot of people, even those who didn't get emails yet so if anybody wants the download to try or patch up before they hit OB here is the link http://setup.gamersfirst.com/installers/APB_Reloaded_Installer.exe the RTW (realtime worlds) version did, but they ran out of money before they released so right after it hit shelves they ended up firing most of their staff and shut down the servers (all within a month). This is the "reloaded" game Gamer's First bought and started updating with their own touches (or the content RTW devs had near finished and never got to implement).
Got my email earlier... will download and see what's up.. Always wanted to play APB but couldn't justify the 15 a month payment for it. 8 or 10 maybe...
How bad is the patching process? Took 14 hours to download Dragon Age 2 and that was 5gb =/ Boo 487 minutes for a 4gb download... Oh how I miss my city Cable internet =(
The server I started on was US West (as enforcer), but it seems East is more popular, so I made a Crim there I kinda wished they made a central server too, but would hate to spread the population even more thin I been running the name Soda and Pops during this beta this newest patch was sort of a bomb, they are scrambling to get some fixes out asap right now, patch coming today I believe. so.. be ready for another download.
I wouldn't doubt it =P however just as an FYI, even though it "says" east coast... right now, its physically west still. the actual east side ones have yet to go live
yeah i heard about that, before it was just a west one and joker didn't exist right? i think they want to build a place for people to make their chars and they can move them later. Probably isn't another character wipe i'm iffy on playing much atm because i wanted my RTW toons and it looks like we only get 2 slots, i'll just delete whatever i do if i bother playing more.
im guessing crims, no one ever likes enforcers. I'd consider going enforcer simply because they are usually under populated. they also get ltl which can be fun in groups. whats your name? I found an enforcer "Cox" is that you?
yeah that's me. I have an enforcer and crim on east. only played like 20 mins or so. so if you starting fresh ill roll with you.
so what are some of the things they changed in this game? I haven't spent more then an hour really to look around and didn't go out on missions or look to see what is what, character reclaim was supposed to be monday and I was waiting for that. It seems like you aren't being accused of a crime everytime you hit a stop sign anymore, I'm reading about things like crims ambushing people whole solo witness them so witnessing and maybe matchmaking is maybe a little more open? What is with the interface and the $ currency? I was gaining a different form of currency on the left hand side when running around town doing criminal things. Be cool if there was a consolidated list of new info for returning players.
when you ramraid, mug or steal cars you get a little instant cash (i believe) and some "stash". enforcers cant witness you till you have like 100 or 1000 cant remember which. when you get witnessed it starts a mission. first one to take the Stash to your drop off wins. (this is usually a one sided mission in Enforcers favor) when you have stash and not in that mission... you have to take it to an NPC to have it 'laundered' then you pick up the actual cash at another location. If your in a group, that is split I believe
http://www.xoohq.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245556#post245556 New thread. Post there your names and so on
i checked back over the blog and it is 100. anyway so this new system means you can try to farm cash and loose it all very easily because it is lootable if you aren't making constant trips to the launderer. Also from reading I don't see a single downside for enforcers in this new system. What am I missing? also this part doesn't make a lot of sense to me so if multiple people are holding stash you have to try and hit the turn in at the same second? Or is it just that you might as well have one person holding all loot and protect him (and if multiple people do have loot, one kills the other to turn it all in)?