Go Here: https://www.archeage.com/user/agreement Email Verification: Login: If you see this you are already logged in. CBT Signup: Refresh the page, it should now have your system information listed. The last step I do not have a screenshot, however it is a questioneer about your past gaming history. It is all listed as optional with the exception of the e-mail and phone number. The e-mail should already be filled in the boxes next to it are for the phone number you can safely put in anything you want in this box and scroll all the way to the bottom to click OK. If someone would be able to take a screenshot of that page I will add it to the guide and translate it. (or when Kyoji get's his confirmation e-mail and I do his)
Update: You can put in a fake phone number and it will accept it. Since they contact you via e-mail and sms if the phone number is fake it should not matter since you will still get the e-mail.
hmmm seem my thing didnt go in the same order it went right tot he more info pic after the Kssn screen
Is it at all risky to use fake KSSNs? as you can tell, I'm chicken =P But I would LOVE to play this game, it looks awesome.
they make you water board 24/7? that sounds more like a resort than prison. maybe the 24/7 part makes it hard after a while... no breaks? damn.. also being water logged for that long doesn't sound fun actually