Just wanted everyone that does not already know that At&t is going to cap there DSL next month. Just like EniGmA1987 said that U-verse is also affected http://www.att.com/esupport/article.jsp?sid=KB409045&cv=102#fbid=SYTF_oud0jy
Its sucks, but at least its not nearly as bad as some companies. I can go through 150GB in 3 days :/ Thankfully I have u verse, and this is only a DSL cap. So I get a 250GB cap. Still, I am going to have to be a lot more careful.
I just found out I received more than 1.5TB of data in the past 38 days... That doesnt include sending out.
HEY GUYS LETS DO HD STREAMING AND SERVICES.........2 YEARS LATER HEY GUYS LETS LIMIT HOW MUCH THEY CAN DO OVER THE WEB DESPITE HD CONTENT REQUIRING A LOT OF BANDWITH!!!! so dumb everything is going digital now a days and what happens we can't do as much as we think with it.
I personally would rather choose to pay more if I want more internet than to have the federal government mandate how much internet I need. It looks like ATT isn't capping for business users, so basically if you want their DSL and use a lot of internet, you pay more. Seems perfectly fair to me.
I can understand that but there has to be a line drawn with some aspects of internet access. Charging extra for more bandwidth I fully support but other service like accessing certain websites on certain ISPs is just plain bull shit.
Indeed, and here in Quebec (Canada) we have some ISP having limits as low as 20gb. Heck what is 20gb these days... it's less than 3 HD movies on Netflix. It's a few dozen hours of 1080 HD youtube videos.
i pay about 120 a month for mine... ive got a 95GB package, and i pay 1.50 per GB over... maximum $50.00, which i hit every month. Its amazing service, so i dont mind paying. I never get anything less than 2megs/ sec down and 1 meg up.
I use charter internet i pay 50 bucks a month for 25 meg d and 5 meg up. plus i can upload and download has much as i want
You don't get 25/5 that's what they say. Cable nodes still slow down depending on usage and then you get the powerburst that basically works on the first 40 megs of data so all speedtest sites will show huge speeds but then die off. But beyond that, tell me what site you can use a true 25 down plus charter uses the same software that Comcast does, its a traffic management system that throttles down power users all done in the cmts. Sadly wireless data is what will be the next step. Cable companies are already testing netflix like boxes that basically stream the channel you select. This will allow them to drop all the digital channels and go full on data. It's crazy I can only imagine how how prices will go
I hate Charter, I used them when I was in school and I'm using it now and it drops every other day, have had 2 people come out to fix it the past 2 months and I'm still having issues. Could be my apartment complex, but we are moving next month so I'll see if its Charter or not, could also be a lot of other variables, but its a pain in the ass lately.
thus why im going verizon fios lol AT&T net isnt all that fast anywho.......doesnt it still run thre the phone like bc iv seen ppl that has it adn there still has a line to the jack. UNLESS thats what feeding them there phones
cablevision optimum ... i never have any issues and its unlimited download right now ... 20 down 2 up ... i never seem to slow down too much even at prime time i did hear a rumor about caping people with this service thou unless they pay for boost which is 30 down 15 up or something like that
Depending on how big you complex is, cable is like electricity, your all connected one way or the other, if a resident has loose fittings, cuts ect, it causes. Ingress. Thats noise on the line. Internet works at a specific frequency and when you have ingress its like trying to have a conversation in a bar that's. Full except your on opposite sides of the bar. So what happens if all the noise generated in that complex hits the amplifier and now no Internet. They will not rewire the building so it's sorta the price dealing with it unless an engineer like me comes and scans for microreflections and has the plant par the bad units. But they don't want to even pay for that these days. Even fios Is not immune. 70 percent of the time they run fiber to there node in the complex and then use the existing coax, so if you have bad wire, bad fios too