Quitting smoking and e-cigarettes

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by dash, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. dash

    So I supposedly quit smoking, yet there is barely a day that goes by that I don't at least bum one from someone, and my attempts in the past have not worked out obviously. I even quit for 6 months one time and started right back like I never quit. People say that if you get past the 3rd/4th day, then you passed the hard part, But there was never a day in that 6 months that I didn't want a smoke. I never reached the point that so many people that I know got to where they have no desire. There is too much going on in my life to attempt going 'cold turkey' again and being realistic about success.

    I've decide to switch to an e-cigarette. Right now I'm reading forums and watching youtube videos trying to decide on the best option for me. Thought I'd post this up to get any feedback and open any discussion about quitting smoking or e-cigarettes.

    I'll let you knwo what I've decided to go with.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2011
  2. Sogetsu

    Jul 27, 2009
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    Atlanta, GA
    Best of luck, dash. I don't know how to help you though with this.

    Hopefully there are some other folks who have gone through this.
  3. No_Smoking

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Springfield OR
    With a name like mine, you'd think I might have some good answers =P but unfortunately I don't

    My dad was a long time smoker and quit a few times, but fell right back into it pretty easy. 6 months to a few years was his longest stretch. he tried the patch a few times and even to the point of using a hypnotist. nothing really worked.
    One winter he got a real bad cold where it pretty much hurt to smoke.. he quit and for some reason, that was the last time for him. Been smoke free for probably 14-15 years now.
    I think a few times hes mentioned not having the "want" to smoke

    Only thing I can recall changing in his life at the time, was he got a dog around that time .. something he said he'd probably never do.. connection? who knows =P
  4. Terand

    Apr 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The Mountains
    Well I am the man to go to about E-Cigs. If you check out my handy dandy e-cig sig I can tell you a lot. What questions do you have about the device Dash. I can tell you which device would be best for your vaping needs, where to get it, and some ins and out of stretching your cash for it. I can answer most of your questions, just post here or send me a PM. If you need a good site to go to about info and what products are available got to www.thevaporroom.net. This is where I get all of my supplies, Batts and Attys, juices and carts.
  5. dash

    Thanks Terand, Any input is greatly appreciated. I'm not really even sure of the proper questions to ask at this point.

    But as of right now, I'm heading in the direction of a Bloog Maxx Fusion. I've so far seen less negative comments about those than most others. But I'm pretty much looking for a popular option in which may not be the best but good enough it's become a standard all others are compared against. Like the iphones of ecigs. The problem is there many categories.

    I'd be interested in learning about some other options besides the Bloog.

    What are you using,Terand?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2011
  6. dr_jay

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Dirty Jerz
    Good luck Dash. I've tried the patch twice and the nightmares were too much for me.
  7. Kava

    Aug 30, 2009
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    Southern California
    These things worked for my pops and he was a smoker for 40 years or more. I think he has a cig now and then but they certainly helped him cut down considerably.

    That being said they haven't worked for my mom, but she only smokes when she drinks so it's not really the same type of addiction.

    The key to success seems to be just always have the e-cig on you and carry it everywhere. My dad pulls the thing out all over the place and takes a hit.

    Hope it helps Dash, its nice to see people at least wanting to quit. :)
  8. doctorie

    Jun 22, 2008
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    volunteer worker for alchoholics anon
    Wellington, New Zealand
    I know its hard...Im in the process of quitting too,almost a year now...cold turkey.
    I had my last one in america. My move to NZ is what helped me.
    All the things associated with smoking have changed for me. new foods..new drinks..

    maybe try and change some other things in your life also...stop drinking if you drink beer.
    I know!! I know!!...but you can start drinking again later without the cigs.

    my father died of lung cancer...I hate to do the guilt thing..but think of your kid.

    Stick with it..even if its still one a day.
    on a lighter side..sounds like you didn't quit cigs..you just quit buying them :) j/k
  9. TheVan
    Veteran FPS Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Des Moines, Iowa
    congrats! Keep up the hard work i quit a month ago, what got me through it is Sunflower seeds... i still eat a bag every 2 days lol... ill take that over lung cancer and stinking tho... once u can make it a week, they taste like shit and u wont want them.
  10. Terand

    Apr 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The Mountains
    I am currently using a Riva eGo. Its a manual 3 piece e-cig that hits pretty hard. Its pretty good the stock batts and attys lasted me a while. The Batt lasted August until yesterday (They don't last forever no brand does.) The attys you will have to change about every 3-6 months depending on the type of atty you get. The stock attys that came with mine lasted 3-4 with HEAVY use. As to which one will work for you it all depends. Are you a heavy smoker? How big of a throat hit do you want out of your e-cig? How often to do usually smoke? If you are a smoker like I was the the Riva eGo or eJoy would probably be best. The batts lasted all day with an overnight charge and the hit was pretty hard. It took me a bit to get use to the hit it gave off. Here is a link to the starter kit that I first stated out with.

    Link here.

    Here is a link to a better model of the eGo the eJoy which has a longer batt life and better vapor production.

    Link here

    There are usually two types of e-cigs, manual and auto. With the Auto e-cig you just take a drag off it like a analog cigarette but, you may have to hit it a few times to get the full feeling of a drag like I had to. The other is the manual. All you do is hold down a button that is on the batt and take a drag. You can hold down the button as long as you like but you may want to limit it to about 6-8 sec a drag because if you hold it down longer than that you may burn out your atty.

    As for juices, this can be a factor as well. There are two types of juices that you can buy. There is Propylene Glycol which has a rich vapor production and keeps its flavor longer but it hits hard and some people can be sensitive to it. There is is also the Vegetable Glycerin which does not hit as hard as the PG and its recommended for lighter smokers. You can usually get a mix of the two so that you can balance flavor and how hard of a throat hit you want. Currently I am using a mix of 75/25% PV/VG. The juices also come with different amounts of nicotine in them as well. They usually range from 26MG 18MG and 0mg.

    Now, there are a few ways you can use the juices, you can either buy carts and put the juice you get into the carts. This method is good if you want to preserve the life of your attys but, the flavor and vapor productions are poor. The other method is the drip directly onto the atty which, if you let it steep for a few mins, will produce rich vapor and flavor with each drag without suddenly dropping off.

    As for the cost. Its cheap, if you look down at my sig, you can see how much i've saved by not buying analogs. That is only in a few months and that has saved my ass over the past few months when I am not working. The eGo start kit is around $55 USD which is the cost of a carton of cigs in MD. The eJoy is $65. Now if you order from the site I linked earlier the starter kit alone with the free juices they give you will last about 2-4 weeks depending on how much you use it. Usually the bottles of juices come in a few different sizes:

    30ML-This will last 2-4 weeks alone and cost me about $10-$16 a bottle. (I usually get the clearance juices)

    15ML- Lasts about 1-3 weeks costs $10

    6ML- Will last a week, cost $5

    3ML or sample- That will last me two days but you get a free sample with every order you get from The Vapor Room.

    Now if you do shop at The Vapor Room for your stuff put in the code "thankyou" I cannot remember if there is a space but I know there are no caps. This will give you a 10% discount on your overall order everytime. Also, if you do order from them put my name and e-mail address for the SAF (Save a Friend) Progam. I get a free 15ml bottle of juice.

    As to which is best for you I think I would need to talk to you and get to know your smoking habits better to that I can give your a good recommendation.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  11. Norrak

    Jul 30, 2008
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    Tech Support
    Quebec, Canada
    Good lord, building your own rocket and going to Mars might actually be easier than fake smoking. Good luck Dash, you'll need it ;)

    Quick question, I am curious. How long do someone need to "vap" before they stop smoking? I mean that is the end goal right?
  12. dash

    To some it's an end goal. To some it's just a replacement than can easily become a hobby from what I've been reading. There are hundreds to thousands of different types of juices to keep you busy for a while as well as 100s of different devices to try out if you wish to.

    One of the positives if your intention is to quit is that you can start getting juices and lowering the nicotene level in them. For example you might like the ejuice flavor of ummm chocolate cream, and it may offer the same flavor with varying amounts of nicotene so that you can step down High Nic to 0% nic and still have the same flavor. A way to fool yourself.

    Some people use e-cigs not with the intention to quit smoking but as a way to simulate smoking in their car, or at bars or riding on an airplane.

    It can take as long as you want it to take really.
  13. TwilightAngel
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

    why not Chantex? you can still smoke on it but then it makes u lose the interest in smoking and after taking all the pills you would be completely done.

    Since you seem to have cut back alot and dont smoke alot then witht he help frm chantex you be done smoking really fast
  14. dash

    I know of people who have been successful with Chantex. I also knew a guy who blew his brains out using that stuff. It caused him severe depression and suicidal thoughts which lead to the real thing. Because of this, I can't do it.
  15. Rubius
    Veteran Xenforcer

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Software Engineer
    YYZ, Ontario
    I never understood the addiction game, as I smoked off and on when in high school and one day I just lost interest in smoking. Now I can't stand em due to the stink.

    But best of luck in your quest to defeat tobacco. It must be tough.
  16. TwilightAngel
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

    Well its with any medication. If your having those issues your meant to stop and let your doctor know. Thus why its only subscribed, but it sucks that happened but it wont effect everyone like that BUT thats why also the doc should ran test adn what not to make sure he was ok to take it
  17. TwilightAngel
    Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
    the drug you was using is how Chentex works..... who knew that a pill that was meant for ppl that use heroine now helps with the smoking habit lol
  18. Terand

    Apr 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    The Mountains
    I techinically stopped smoking when I started to vape. I don't really plan on quitting, I just wanted to save a few bucks. E-Cigs offered that to me and then some.
  19. Taken
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jun 24, 2008
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    Good Luck with the e-cigs. I've not used them myself, but my husband's experience with them leads me to believe that it's better to err on the side of too strong a dose than too weak.
  20. dash

    Thanks for the support everyone. It's appreciated.

    I think Wellbutrin is an antidepressant with qualities to help people get off their addictions. Is that right? That doesn't sound bad, but I'm just a bit weary of pills. Since I have cut down quite a bit, it is probably the route I should take though. However at this point I'm fixated on the e-cigs.

    After some consideration. I think I'm going to go with the Joye eGo as well. The Bloog Maxx Fusion seems like an amazing product and closer to what I'm looking for honestly, but lately in the ECF forums there seems to have been a huge issue with customer service and communication. I think I'll probably do that later, It's also twice the price.
    The Joye eGo seems to be one that is commonly mentioned.

    At ECF, They suggested the Riva 510 which is supposedly basically the same thing for a cheaper price tag.