Whats even better is that soon I'll be gaming again. I'm just waiting for that one game to push me over the edge.
Um, it's mahvel. Every character can do great. Simple mode is garbage. You are limited to a small amount of a characters moves. Seriously get the fuck away from fighting games if you can't do normal mode controls in MvC3 cause it's the easiest in any fighting game to date. You fucking salty cause you don't know how to play. Stay free. Huh? Where you get $20 in this? If you bought the SE version you get the dlc characters for free. If you didn't they are $5 a piece totaling a price of $10. They weren't finished in time for the release date and the disc contents of them isn't 100%. If you did your research you would of known that. Seriously if you are a real fg player you wouldn't be saying that. No one cares if a scrub doesn't want to buy a game cause they aren't going to bring any serious competition worth anyones time anyway.
Challenge accepted! I'll buy this game just to beat you so what system do you have it for. I'm not a serious FG player but I will still say FUCK YOU to Capcom for having balancing issues with the game and for ripping people off by being greedy.
Capcom did a great job with balance, if you look at top tier tournies you don't even see sent/deadpool really. Every team was pretty different. I think its a great game and don't mind dropping money here and there for dlc, its better then playing the same characters over and over. Adds replayability.
me not playing in simple dosen't stop everyone else from doing so and just picking a bunch of characters with ranged supers/normal ranged spam and some anti air assists its annoying to have to go through alot of trouble to beat some kid that can just press triangle all day on ryu or sent or deadpool , also they took 10 mother fucking years to get this out lol if you think the 2 dlc characters arent ready you are just a dlc sheep if your having fun waiting through "failed to join game session" errors over and over only to get matched v simple mode ranged spammers thats good for you, but its really boring and too think it took them 10 years to get this crap out is a joke
Super Jump, Teleport, or counter their range with ranged assists. I been playing local matches offline with friends mainly so I cant speak for the online (the online matches I have done were with friends which I had no issues with). Also the game hasnt been worked on for 10 years. You getting your facts mixed up. MvC2 was over 10 years ago but MvC3 didnt start development until Summer of 2008 when Capcom got the license with Marvel again. So a year and a half of development time aint bad for what they pulled off.
the problem isnt the ranged spam its the fact that with simple mode everyone is doing it that plus one button hypers makes things really annoying, just play mulitplayer for a while if you can get past the "failed to join game session " bug even if they did only have a year and half for this game, its still just god awful multiplayer is just full of bugs, the match making system is awful and the lack of replays is just bad
Those are valid concerns. Capcom has had 3 attempts to perfect the matching system. In SF 4 it had the same match making problem, and those problem were still present in Super Street 4. Not only that I heard that you can't view matches anyone which is a step backwards also. It does come down to profits, stupidity, or Capcom not giving the a fuck.
Yes I know I just wanted to contribute to the board since I have not bought the game and I don't know about these glitches and such.
My brother just got the game for Xbox and we started playing. Damn is it a sweet game. I like the changes, and the list of Marvel characters to choose from. Not too interested in the Capcom characters personally.
Personaly if you play on Easy mode, you are a scrub, you suck, and i can beat you with my eyes closed, you just have to get some expirience. second, easy mode is so grama can play, and have some fun, but once wining in easy mode, even then the game is a lot more easy that MvsC 2, so its hard to see why any player actualy would go so low as play in in easy mode. seond, MvsC 2 was all about fun and unbalance stuff. in this game is no eseption, Dark Fenix = win! The re are plenty of cheap chracters like Dante. but is still fun to play as Underpowerded character and beat people with them. brign your sentinel/Fenix/Dante. ill bring a something like Ryu/Spencer/Hulk. and see if i can beat you with them.