Even some of the environmental videos look bland. I'm sure the graphics are turned down but its not helping their case. sucks because I was looking forward to this game. FFA SciFi sandbox? yes please.
They announced the other day that the servers will be here on the East Coast so looks like no lag for me!!
Already pre-ordered and servers live on the 14th! I'll be playing the Noir side for anyone that wants to join me.
I've also joined a guild known as Sunder since I know for a fact we won't at all be supporting or trying to support it. I can already see this will be one of those games where you're going to need friends to avoid getting ganked all the time.
I too want to try Earthrise, but with Valentines day, bi-yearly car insurance bill, and new rims all going on this month I dont think I will be able to try it. Maybe next month if Vegeta reports good things.
wow, this game is completely and utterly terrible, the controls suck, has HUGE memory leaks everything is just clonky and terrible seriously i thought AoC was bad on launch, this thing launches in 2 days and its the most terrible thing i have seen.
DO NOT SPEND YOUR MONEY ON THIS GAME !!! BIG TIME POS !!! Vicious and i just played for a bit and boy thank god i got the beta key for free Controls = Crap Graphics = Crap Combat = Crap my review not worth it !!! move on
Controls: for the love of god this take some getting use to and I LIKE IT!!! It’s not your normal cookie cutter MMO. There are FPS aspects to it and will require some common sense. You’re able to hide behind rocks, trees etc… Once you’re use to how to move, aim, shoot and dodge it’s really fun. Graphics = Now to be fair I do have a very good computer and VC I happen to love the Graphics as much as I did Final Fantasy 14 Combat = Fair could use some work but it’s all about getting use to a different type of fighting. You’re not going to click on the target and spam attacks you have to aim. And as I said above I like it! Overall good enough for 50 bucks
problem is the game has such bad network problems that most people jump across the damn screen, Vegeta we all understand how mmofps work its like playing global agenda, but this game needs some hardcore coding fixing in order for me to pay $50 for beta....im not experiencing something like ffxiv all over again.
LOL Vic it's just my opinion man if you don't want to pay for it that's cool but I think it's well worth it
sex is well worth it ... but its what comes after that hurts I didnt have to much lag but it was just very poorly coded and i just think the controls for what it coulda been stunk ... they tried to get to fancy to do what every other game already has done right why do i have to hit tab and then alt to go into combat mode and be able to move my corsair all around and turn char at same time ... now if i hit alt i sheath my weapon but running around like a loon but if i hit tab then my char just runs straight non stop i cant turn with the mouse unless i hit both mouse buttons at same time ... just silly things like that irritate me
Yes, sorry Vegeta just to me there are much better potentials on the market that are going to hit in the Sci-Fi genre, Black Prohpecy is what appeals to me it looks amazing! But, Ill try again tonight and give it another go....I love the concept but im hoping i was just having some bad internet issues for the people jumping across my screen.