It's a conspiracy theory that there is a secret organization that is trying to create a single government with them as the dictators. They are doing this by doing many continents mergers. (e.g. the European Union) They are apparently working on the American Union which will merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Once they have said government formed they will adopt many of Chinas practices. Like the single child policy, pretty much you become their slaves. They have quite a bit of evidence to back it up as well. They have documented recordings of their supposed meetings showing many random leaders from all over the world show up.
Hm reminds me of chapter 3 of Zeitgeist. Anyone seen it? It's super well made. Even if you don't believe the conspiracies the film itself is really well done.
I don't need a video telling me who's calling the shots. It's obviously not Obama. A single "world government" sounds about right. Humans lack the intelligence to govern themselves and it's high time we have laws that control various aspects of our lives. This can only be done with a unified world and single leadership body. Things like religion, education, reproduction, to name a few, should be regulated. I don't blame them one bit. It's all our fault for not being able to make intelligent decisions. We brought it upon ourselves.
This is the same reason I don't drink tap water. The fluoride man it calcifies your brain. The government puts it in there to keep us under control!
Wrong. Fluoride was initially mixed into tap water during the Cold War era to keep the communists living among us from making lame posts on the Xen of Onslaught forums, which was a secret US government forum at the time. Though it's funny our guild name goes by the same name.
I have been hearing about that for about 4 years now. A guy I know, who knows President Bush had a conversation with George Bush who was telling him about the merge. I never really cared much since we have so many Mexican workers here that send money home to Mexico from the work they do that it could actually benefit So Cal a lot if Mexico was part of the US. Of course we would have to fix a ton of their problems first so that the US didnt just inherit all the shit they have going on down there. As for Canada, I only see good from that as well. Canada is pretty much allies with everyone and grows a lot of the worlds wheat supply. and they have some VERY good oil supply waiting to be tapped. In addition, I hear Canada is one of the top places to find Uranium that can be refined. World government controlling everything = VERY VERY bad. The end of freedom. The US already has very few freedoms left as it is though so we either need to get back our rights or fall in line. But having Canada become part of a giant America? I see that as a good thing. Depending on the circumstances, having Mexico *could* be a good thing as well.