XoO Welcomes Leadership for SWTOR

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by dash, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. dash

    dash Guest

    After much discussion,deliberation,missed connections on TS...We've come to a conclusion on the new CO of our upcoming SWTOR Division. I'd like to thank all of the applicants, it has been a tough decision, but mebard won out in the end based on his experience leading XoO in Warhammer.

    Mebard is currently building his leadership structure including XO and officers. If you have any interest, let him know.

    Congratz mebard!

  2. Good luck SWTOR divisiom :)
  3. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Grats Mebard
  4. G'luck with e'rything TOR Division. :cool:
  5. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Congratulations Mebard!
  6. My promotion doesn't require a front page post. I'm humble like that.
  7. Lol.. you is trolling...
  8. Thanks folks i will try and make us the number 1 guild in TOR and in XEN :)
  9. You are all doomed to FAIL.....

    your daily trolling brought to you in part by your xoo leadership
  10. Gratz mebard! And you won't make us number 1. We AS A DIVISION under your leadership will make us number =P
  11. Grats Mebard. Its good to see that we have a great CO and XO in our division.
  12. GL SW:TOR, grats mebard.
  13. LOL thats what i meant. Didnt mean to make it sound like just me :)

  14. what he said.

    seriously tho, gratz to both of you. I have high expectations of you two!
  15. Number 5? 4? 28? You never gave us a number.
  16. Gratz mebard! Wish Great things for SWTOR!!!
  17. We are going to be number one, no question.
  18. ameliandra

    ameliandra Guest

    all hail our new jedi overlords
  19. I know just felt like you should know you have our support.
  20. triggerpappy

    triggerpappy Veteran Crowfall Member

    Gratz. Now get to work. :D