We just put these up at Fragworld. Its not all inclusive but tried to get the major ones that may make 2011. Link Here Was curious what games people were interested about? For Me its SWTOR, Brink, Diablo 3 and a few others.
I would have to say TOR for sure. D3 I may pick up because I have been a big fan of Diablo, minus the massive hackers. Elder Scrolls, Portal 2 and DOTA 2.
Inb4 Vicious comes in saying you should get it on PS3 becuase the ultra parallex bump mapping trigonometry is handled better by the PS3's micro-tera terminal di-processing bit renderer.
TES5 and GW2 beyond all doubt, provided the release dates remain in 2011; Neverwinter I'll need more info on but it's a possibility. ME3 I'm not sure is coming that soon, but I'll snag it if so. Mechwarrior I'd have a look at but I'm dead sure it won't be released this year.
Awesome list. I'm looking forward to TOR, Breach, Brink, and Space Marine, along with the new Deus Ex. I added the site to StumbleUpon so you guys should get more hits.
It's gunna be a busy year for gaming, I'm looking forward to it. MMOS: TERA, GW2, TOR FPS: Breach, Brink RPG: D3, ME3, AC: Brotherhood, Portal 2 These are all must trys for me.
Deus Ex Revolution for sure Brink a big yes Stargate Worlds I want to look at Star Wars: The Old Republic I want to try Call of Duty: MW3 id like to own Darkspore a maybe Portal 2 a yes DC Universe Online im enjoying beta..but to many better games coming to get involved in Fable 3 oh yea Mass Effect 3 for sure Eldar Scrolls V: Skyrim probably Shogun: Total War 2 for sure Duke Nukem Forever have to play BioShock: Infinite got too Rift enjoying beta Tera Online got to try it Homefront looks good Doom 4 its doom Breach prolly Blackstar Chronicles Ill take alook
for now, Dragon age 2 then Witcher 2 then TES5 then we will have to see. witch of the MMOs comes out.
If brink is good along with the mmos coming out I may be dropping the CoD franchise. It's just gone down a road of shit.
Diablo 3 is turning into Starcraft Ghost, if you ask me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though. We all know how blizzard likes to keep their releases a secret, as if it is some kind of power and authority fetish for them... A number of less than PC jokes and references come to mind. As for Mass Effect 3, lets just hope it doesn't take 20 hours to beat like the second one did. I would have just rented it if I knew that would be the result. I loved the gameplay of the second (minus the planet scanning), but I didn't like how they took out the armor and weaponry system from the first one. Yeah, it made it more streamlined, but I liked the level of control I had in ME1, and my character got really boring; lookin' all the same and stuff.
Arguably it has a lot of replay value. I've made 5 Shepards So that's like 60-80 hours? Also there's a bunch of planets with anomalies which could count as missions.
I've never picked up the ME series. I may have to find the first one for cheap and start from there. I've heard nothing but good things about it so it wouldn't hurt.