I tried to like the NFL but it was SOOO slow. Hut hut hut... 2 seconds later, whistle goes off. Rinse and repeat. It was as fun as watching paint dry.
It's kind of funny how the last couple minutes of the game take more like 20 because of all the timeouts, too. But I found it surprisingly watchable the few times I sat down to see a "football" game... reminds me a bit of rugby league (aka "aussie rules football") save for some notable exceptions. Rugby was also a pretty big deal in New Zealand (more union than league) so I got to see plenty of it... usually only cared about the international matches though (IOW, All Blacks games). Not sure how to compare the American NFL to it - it's a different kind of game, less about raw power, more about making flashy moves (although there is some space for both in both games). And that's pretty much entirely because it's legal to pass up the field. Man, I use parentheses too much. Game speed is quite true for all those games though. It's more that ice hockey can get incredibly fast than that gridiron/rugby are necessarily slow, though. Compared to golf, cricket or baseball they're positively exciting.
I have tried to sit down and watch one cricket match, then I found out, 2 hours into it, that it was 8 hours long. _@: As for the NFL, its mostly the coaches trying to get what little edge then can get over the other team. They do a lot of stuff that screw up the game and make it boring as hell. The do, on the other hand, make it interesting. That rarely happens though.
I don't watch a whole lot of football, but when I do, I enjoy it a lot. Its all about the little things, and something happens every play (A sack, an incomplete pass, a running play (guaranteed hit/takedown or touchdown/out of bounds), etc. The only reason I don't follow it a whole lot is because I never watched it when I was younger, and its hard to get into it if you don't have a team.
GO HAWKS BEASTMODE!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha Hawks are gonna upset the Bears and send them packing just like they did the Saints. Dont underestimate them. Marshawn Lynch BEASTMODE no one person can bring him down.
I concur. Unfortunatly, I am a flames fan, and have now been hit with that ass hatery of a music video, and the fact that they suck donkey balls this year.... anyways... BACK to NFL... Predictions: Chicago over Seatle Baltimore over Pitt Atlanta over Packers AND DEFFINITLY New England over the jets. Brady is going shut that fat ass rex ryan up. How is it that people are still saying Peyton Manning is better? Brady has broken way more records, has way more rings, and has way more hair. nuff said.
I'd bet my copy of Footloose that Brady and company smoke the Jets ... If can I keep it safe from Rex Ryan that is ....
The NBA makes more money than the NHL. The NHL is a joke. But probably not as bad as the No Fun League. and lol about Brady.
Da Bears. Love that my team is doind well and it will taste so good that the team they beat to go to the Super Bowl is Greenbay. Can't stand them.