Happy New Years

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. I have been out all day so I didn't get a chance to whip up a snappy image. Just stay safe, have fun, and remember not to drink and drive! ;)

    Have a happy new years everyone!
  2. Have a great new years ya'all !

    Much'o love. Kazzier
  3. I'll be sure to br drunk and since I am a shut in I don't have to worry about driving :p I may see you all in TS, should be some interesting gaming:p
  4. I have a sneaky suspicion someone is already drunk ^^
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2010
  5. Happy New Years all! be safe and have fun!
  6. Kurushii

    Kurushii 神いわゆるGOD

    Happy New Years everyone! Get crunk!
  7. Happy new years! Remember to drink responsibly.
  8. Have a Happy and Safe New Years! May the best in your past be the worst in your future!
  9. Haarrrppy Nuuuu Yeeearr Xoooooooobies!!!

    I Wuz Youuuu Gais!!!!!
  10. And drive responsibly too!
  11. Silverleaf

    Silverleaf Banned

    HNY all!
  12. It was only a few at that time, promise :)
  13. Happy New Years! I had a designated driver :)
  14. happy new years!!!
  15. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Hope everyone indulged and had a good time.