does anyone know a easy way to earn credits. i'm very shot on them, and i want to play triple triad. but as u can see. i got like 1.5 and the casino cheats....stole all my money, and then there was a roll back from the gods. i was so happy, i got them back...but not enough to even get a starter deck. so if u want to talk about my lack of credits or about your daily life, either works for me in this thread.
You can earn credits by staying active on the forums. I just donated 3000 credits to you, that is enough for a starter pack. Good Luck!
thank you so much. once again, it helped. i bought the starter pack, and i played, i won my first game with a 7 to 2 card ratio. and i was so happy i played the 2nd lvl 1 cpu, and lost with a 6 to 3 rate...i cried when i lost the card i was so happy to take from lvl 1.
Yeah the only thing I can say is stay active, log into everyday, may some insightful and relevant post. Play a few games of TT and maybe play a few games at the casino. When I mean a few I mean only lie 2-4. Always remember to walk away when you are ahead.
Well, some of those casino games are just a test of luck, video poker gives you a little more control. I don't see anyone else recommending it.. Didn't you guys play with those little handheld Video Poker games before?