No joke, here is the link.
I think Empire Strikes Back is the favorite to the majority of people who were actually around during the original trilogy. I know it's mine! It's too bad that the library of congress won't have the better version of Empire though...and by better I mean "Adywan's" Revisited version. He already did a Revisited version of A New Hope a couple years ago and it was absolute success. One review that shows some of the differences between the original and Adywan's can be found HERE Empire was suppose to be done before the end of this year but due to the amount of detail needed (and demanded at this point) he has pushed it back to 2011. His final trailer can be found HERE Best part is that all his movies are absolutely free. He knows he cannot charge money since Star Wars does not belong to him and that's fine because he never started this project for was always about being a part of something he loved.
Where can I find the entire re-edit? My god.. that was amazing.. It looked 10x better than the originals/remakes already
You should be able to find A New Hope re-edit just about everywhere.....Youtube, Torrents, etc. The Empire Strikes Back will be later. I can't wait! And yes, it does look so much better.
Too bad that Re-edit isnt in 1080p. I prefer the Wookie Groomer versions the best. They take the good "extended parts" and cut out the "bad extended parts". And do some color changes and touch ups to look better as well as more like the original movie versions. The resolution is also not cropped and is the original 2.35:1 image resolution. And they are in HD(mostly*) *not real bluray but way better than normal DVD Some comparison images: ^^^^^ Please click on each image to view comparisons