my 7 year old grandson rocks those facebook games...when he is not playing Bayblades its cooler than Pokemon according to the cool 7 yo crowd..
With the likely span between now and any information at all regarding "Titan", I might as well just forget it exists in the meantime.
Pot Farm makes it's devs 148k a month! Anyone want to start a project and make some serious dough? lol
All we have to do is make a game that has smack, hookers, and charlie murphy with the ability to duel your friends by throwing smack, hookers, and charlie murphy.
This game would make no money. You need to target your disposable income crowd which isn't teens and tweens. ATTACK THE SOCCER MOMS! They're at home all day spamming refresh on facebook trying to find some meaning to their meager existence. These are the women who inform you of "how much money I saved you on my new clothes." These are the people you want to focus on!
I don't remember the last exact figure but last I heard, 40% or so of online gamers were female. They're not playing mmos or fps games, this is where they're at.
If that's the case they need to adjust what "online gaming" means. But I'm sure it also includes bejeweled.
incidentally, it could BE a gold mine Just give them enough stuff to worry about between collapses, oxygen levels, and offer micro transactions of EMTs to assist them in keeping the miners alive.
second life has shopping...for clothes and home stuffs the ratio of women to men is at the very least 10 to 1...
rule to live by on the net if their avatar is a woman..its a man if they sound like a woman..its a man they show breasts on cam....its a man they show pink on cam...they used to be a man