In a way it looks more like a hack n slash arcade game than an RPG to me, however it still looks fun and I will try it out.
I'll try it, but god the animations look terrible. Edit: Just noticed I been getting emails for it from Outspark (company doing the ENG version). God I should actually check some of the emails from f2p companies I get lol. Anyway links are here.. ENG Official Site: MMOhut CBT Video: Notes from early play: *Game download/install is fast. *Eyefinity supported, even though some 2D textures are stretched bad. *Looks like UI isn't movable so far... *Textures aren't the greatest but decent for a f2p *Controls are smooth but attack direction is fixed to character position and not fov position like Vindictus/Tera. *Mages have cannons :bigeyes: Screenshots:
WOW that is some high resolution there! And ya you are right those are some nasty texture stretch marks to the sides.
Its' pretty much like Vindictus. Has a "Fatigue" system that limits how many dungeons you run. Stupid.
Apparently you can run more dungeons for PVP so when you run out of missions to do you can PVP and be able to do more missions then.
It's pretty awesome, I'm going to bed now. Kurushii is playing as well but he went to bed about 15 mins ago. So I'll be on later tonight. I'm level 5 right now and Kuru is level 10.
Yea, fun game. More depth in content than Vindictus. PvP has a nice set of modes but sadly Fighter class is op atm cause of a infinite combo loop they can do. Still in open beta so hoping they fix that. I really want to recommended the game to EVERYONE that is planning on playing Tera. EU people can't complain this time as the game doesn't have a IP block and even has EU servers under the same client as well
What server are you both on? Or do the channels not matter? My options are NA or Europe, I will b e on NA of course. But then I have the option of 3 different channel servers. The first is pretty full, the other 2 are pretty empty