I couldn't tell what was going on until the 4-5th run through cause of the person getting in the way "of the camera".
ROFL ya totally fake but maybe if he got say 5 of them tied together and tried it might get him airborne.
Actually.. He is going the opposite way the train is going. So if I am not mistaken then, he would only need a little bit of force as the train is moving so fast in the opposite direction of him going so it continues to lift him?
Exactly. Basically he just needs to get enough speed to stop....The train is actually the one moving.
*makes note of how fast the subway is going, with the propulsion from the fire extinguisher, you could of course do this*
I don't believe that there is all that much as far as lift from the fire extinguisher. I don't know how much force it exerts. The guy is probably 150-160 which means the fire extinguisher would need to exert ~750 N of force to lift him and maintain it, regardless of how fast the train is moving. All you might be seeing is him jumping and the train moving under his feet. As soon as he jumps the forward momentum that has been imparted by the train starts to go away. So plausible but the fire extinguisher just makes it showy.
The fire extinguisher makes it possible because you need opposite force to regress the opposite way of the train. If he jumped, he would land in the same [relative] spot because he is moving at the same rate as the train. So the fire extinguisher isnt just for show/troll purposes. I love how the people got all scared and shit. I wouldve pissed my pants laughing.
Here's a site that shows a different angle and the fact that its possible. http://englishrussia.com/index.php/2009/02/03/riding-the-extinguisher/
This is true.. So if Foxy is in a fire, does this mean he has a fire crotch? But in regards to OP its still kind of funny.
If you are traveling at the same speed of the train, and so is the extinguisher. All you need is the smallest amount of force against it. Does not take a lot to move you in the opposite direction.
I've seen a few videos like this. I would agree that it ruined the ride for the rest of the patrons, win.