Monday Night Combat Those of you who hit PAX got to see this as it was making its start on XBOX. Made to be a simple matchmaking pvp game for cheeps. They are putting it on PC, just saw it for steam presale. $13.49 The combat plays a little like Global Agenda, but the strategy is more League of Legends. It is a tower defense shooter, you blow through bots and players, leveling your class/character to gain points and abilities, take out the turrets and then the core. It is pretty addicting to play, I went back to it more then once, played it each day we were at PAX. Defiantly worth the $13. Release is Jan 17th (my birthday oddly enough). Aside from buffing your abilities and building turrets with the money you make in matches, you can upgrade your teams bots. Tutorial Vid showing bots you can upgrade for your team or face: A match vid.
It does look a lot like TF2. I've always said if I ever made a game, I'd take the LoL/DotA concept and make it an FPS. Not that this is what I had in mind, but it is a start... A personal pet peeve of mine is cartoon-like shooters. I can't take them seriously, and if I can't do that, I don't enjoy playing it.
Yeah it is a little close to TF2 in its combat when you get away for the waves and towers. Anyway I find I prefer non-realism shooters and the cartoony styling. The abundance of realism shooters that turn into games of hide&seek are boring and even annoying to me now. I find games like this are less worried about how good a nade dust cloud can look and more focused on creative combat and things you aren't supported to expect in real life.