I dont care about the gap between players as much as I care that at some point you are only leveling up skills every week at the earliest and the ones you really want every month or 2. The fact that you might have to spend 6 months playing competitively in one particular ship tell you can play competitively in another bugs the crap out of me.
EVE is a hardcore MMO, but it's a good MMO and if they toned down the skill time I think they would have a bigger audience.
I didn't realize that some of the skills took that long to level up, months? I mean, make it a challenge, but geez.
its how they commit you to the game. before players could mabey take a break from eve while training a super long skill. i think they changed it now so that if your not paying subscription your not training your skills. I loved eve and think it is a great game but the way you play the game with other players and the amount of politics involved now...just bores me. The biggest problem i had with eve though was the multiple accounts feature. I just feel that if your gonna play a game its with one account/character at a time. having multiple accounts working at the same time just ruins the game imo
as a note...i should point out that 6+ months is quite misleading, if not a outright lie. the single longest skill in the game (racial Titan skills) takes around 80 days to train from I to V. and maybe 10 people in 20 thousand have a any reason to train that skill. to take a set of more realistic (and expansive) examples, lets say you are in a Heavy Assault Cruiser (a favoured ship class for pvp), with T2 guns and relevant tank skills. lets say you want to use Recon Cruisers (stealthy little pains in the ass, also favoured in pvp), you already have the tank and guns, leaving only the ship skill its self, which would take around 30 days from I to V, and really, you only need IV to be 'competitive' which would only take about a week. The majority of all skill training is from IV to V, for that little edge that mastery grants. for a longer example, lets say you wanted to move to a entirely different class of ship. for this example, a Battleship, for sniping. still have the tank skills, but youd need to train guns and the ship. to get the battleship skill from I to V takes about 40 so days, and the T2 large guns, given you already had T2 medium guns, takes the same amount of time. so about 80 days in grand total for mastery. to be compeditive... youd need only IV on the guns, and IV on the ship... though i admit a elite nulsec alliance probably wouldnt want you to fly as a sniper without bs V, so well keep that for 'realism'. that lowers the over all time to about 50 days, less than two months. 6+ months? utterly deceptive twaddlespeak says i. the only example that might take 6 months would be the training for Capital Ships (including all the capital-class tank, gun, and navigation skills), and frankly, it *should* be that long. IN HIS NAME I SMITE THE HERETICS AND UNBELIEVERS! WITH HIS LIGHT I SHALL BANISH THE DARKNESS!
no idea... i can only plot training times for skills i dont have (luckily, i have a alt that doesnt yet have all the BS skills trained XD) i know the advanced learning skills take about 2 weeks to get to V, each, but IV sufficient, and if i recall, they are rank 3 skills, while basic learnings are rank 1. about a week to V in otherwords, i think. all in all, 5x1week and 4x2weeks, equals 13 weeks, so a smidgen more than 3 months. but that doesnt have to all be done at the same time, most new players go IV/III (basic/adv) for learnings to start with, and V/IV when they are getting into longer stuff. then maybe V/V when they start going for Capitals and the like. addium: but the difference between okay and mastered learning skills wouldnt add any more than a week to those times i stated above... if that
Aral is right on the training times. It does get tiring at times to wait so long for skills to train, but advanced skills should take a while to train. Plus the skills train while you are offline too.
http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/12/04/warhammer-40k-dark-millennium-online-a-grim-dark-future/ An Interesting read. Some good points brought out include what quests will be like. How vehicles will work and that titans are player controlled and will be run by a crew ( eg driver, gunner ). Plenty of other interesting bits of info.
i must say i dont like the idea of random people being able to control titans >_> but otherwise, it sounds good thus far.