hoping we can keep this a thread for those MUSIC vids that are strange..funny...odd...fucked up...stupid..really really bad.... that make you go WTF!! it dont mean they are bad..or suck...or are lame.... but probably are lame ..bad and suck there are some in the youtube music thread that can be reposted here by original poster please. please keep it music or music oriented.
Ill repost my last WTF vid and add another boyband...both of these are really popular in the world at large...but still Im like..WTF??? 6,425,841 views so far
prolly not safe for work!!! or home... WARNING>>WATCHING even a few seconds of this will Probably put you on a FBI watchlist
I did not see a problem, then I noticed it was a bunch of little kids. I quickly stopped the video ._____.
thats a wtf vid for sure. The ending leaves me feeling there will be a sequel. And bonus was a Im a huge fan of Royskopp...that was different sound than Im used too from them.
what makes this even odder is he had roles in Jurassic park...Lord of the flies..smillas sense of snow