Yeah basketball can be a contact sport but some stuff can be avoided if you are aware of your surroundings.
Lots of fail faux newz fanboi posts. How does anyone think that basketball isn't a contact sport? Have you ever played basketball? Just because it isn't two guys on the ground hugging doesn't mean its not contact lol. You can get hurt more in basketball/soccer than any wrestling match.
Ok, there is some "contact", but if hitting the other player draws a my lil world, it's non-contact unch:
To bad its from CNN, plz. Yah I played PUG games with the actual OU squad during the summer so yes Ive played and no that is not true at all. I like how butt hurt you get for some reason even though I listed two other sports before wrestling as contact sports. Yet because u know im a all american at wrestling for OU you choose to pick that one. Fail dude. Stop saying shit about fox news too, its your only thing you say anymore and frankly I find fox news more credible than any source out their besides drudge.
Pretty much all American news channels are rubbish, Fox just has the dubious distinction of being the worst of them. Still can't compare to some of the British tabloids though.
Didn't mean the link nub sauce. I ment the posts with people crying fail and thinking they are hard because they've never played basketball and been hurt. As for the hugging I didn't mean it only to wrestling. But I did use wrestling to relate to you since you did get hurt in wrestling. Wasn't an insult against it. It was aimed at everyone in the thread posting how lame it is to get hurt in a basketball match. I've played rugby, done muay thai, hapkido, basketball, and played a bit of soccer so I know my sports and all of them can cause some damage. To say that getting hurt in any of them is for noobs is just stupid. Finding fox news credible is like finding intelligence in a turd. Though I guess I may be crossing it with the Fox talk shows than the actual news show. But my point still stands since the news section pulls their "evidence" from someone who spewed it out their ass earlier in the day on a talk show. Yes american media is complete crap now but I find fox is the only one that actually makes shit up instead of just leaving it out. I get most of my media from Al, BBC, and new york times.
Fox news talk shows have nothing to do with the actual news. Just like CNN talk shows and MSNBC talk shows have nothing to do with the actual news. Also, prove to me fox makes things up. I watch for 2 hours a day every morning (while i work out) all three news outlets and all of them have absolutely the same stories with minor details about each topic that are different. P.S. I got hurt more in rugby than I did in wrestling.
you need the chalkboard. Beck was a failed radio DJ/entertainer before Fox picked him up to fill air time as a pundit (amazing where they get these wackos sometimes). If chalkboards could translate over radio though, maybe he'd have made it in the biz.