Happy Holidays!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    Regardless of where you live everyone at Xen would like to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and a merry Christmas. Have fun and stay safe over the holidays! :cool:
  2. Drink lots, then eat lots, then wait to drive.
  3. Shammy

    Shammy Member

    Ima bake me some cakes.
  4. I read this completely wrong at first xD

    Happy Thanks Giving everyone, and to those who do not celebrate. Happy Random Thursday.
  5. Happy thanksgiving to all of us XoO here in the states. To our international brothers and sisters you all have a great day as well. Now, its time to prepare to make America the fattest country once more. U.S.A. U.S.A.!
  6. Shammy

    Shammy Member

    We're only in second place for now. :cool:
  7. Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. We gotta change that shammy. We are are going to be considered a country o' fat asses we might as well be the biggest ^_^
  9. Happy holidays!
  10. hope everyones was better then mine, I had to play a few games of League of Legends with my division members... it sucked.... so much....

    le sigh
  11. Did you eat any turkey while doing so?