It Arrives!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    We have incorporated a new gaming mechanic for everyone here at XoO. The game mechanic

    Special thanks to the beta testers and programmers who worked on the project:

    • Arimil
    • Jarien
    • EvilMaran
    • Foxy
    • Thaisha
    • Jacob
    • Dutchess
    • ViciousDS
    • Q
    The Gameplay:
    The game is based around the Final Fantasy VIII card game that was implemented inside the game itself as a sub-game.

    In Triple Triad you have a board with 9 available slots where cards can be placed by you or your opponent. Each of you have 5 cards to begin with which are either red or blue, the aim is to turn your opponent cards to your color.

    The complete list of possible rules can be found here.

    or watch the Arimil demo:

    Special Notes on Gameplay:
    Each of the CPU's may have different rules to them. The first 3 levels of bosses will only incorporate basic flip mechanics.

    After you get the full game mechanics unlocked and the strategy of the game will exponentially increase several fold (warning - it is not easy and takes a bit of thinking and planning to win).

    The game includes a plethora of things to do including:

    • Trading
    • Tournaments
    • 100+ CPU battles already implemented
    • 330+ cards available with more added in later expansions
    • Game sounds and animations
    • Player versus Player
    • and more...
    The Skinny:
    There are several different "packs" of cards that you can purchase from the Triple Triad store (not the XoO Store). The more expensive the pack the higher level the cards that you can obtain from each pack. There are 10 levels of cards and an 11th level for special cards that can only be won buy defeating the last boss in the game (basically impossible atm).

    Each CPU you fight will either give you a card if you win or will take a card if you lose (be warned it isn't dumb, it will take your best card). However, cards taken are limited to the cards used in the match. So inventory cards are safe from being lost.

    Fighting each tier of bosses is a good thing as it will provide you with enough cards to challenge harder bosses later on.

    This is NOT a fast game. I plan to have it take some time before you can get to Tier 10. This is NOT an easy game. Do not expect to win every match.

    The Starter deck is the first thing one should buy and you can buy multiple decks to increase your inventory of cards that you can choose from for a match.

    After you get your deck, start playing and have fun.

    REMEMBER: You get money by playing, win or lose! Also, everyone got a 2,000 credit stimulus package!

    EDIT: Ok, PHP fails, it reset everyone to 2k, but I gave everyone an additional 18k to compensate for the fail.

    Bug Reporting & You!
    DO IT!

    The game can be found in the XoO Center.

    ~ Enjoy
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  2. Awesome this sounds pretty good. I'll have to give it a shot.
  3. Great idea. Triple Triad was FTW (kinda).
  4. Well I am having some errors with the triple triad. I got a TT message in my notification box and when I click on the link I get a 404 error.


    Scratch that, Kyoji must of fixed it with his telepathic interweb powers.
  5. Sweeeeeeeet!

    I remember playing this on FF8 as a kid.

    The music worked the first couple of times, then it stopped playing =(
  6. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

    Kyoji didn't like it so he turned it off in the ACP.
  7. Seriously??? That music MADE the game. I can't play without it... it really gets you thinking.
  8. Kurushii

    Kurushii 神いわゆるGOD

    FUCK YA! :D
  9. Arimil enjoyed it as well. It annoyed me. I will put something back in eventually.

    Also, there is now a Game Room channel in TS3. Not sure where I want to place it, but for now, for awareness, i'll leave it at the top until I get 300 rage complaints. :p

  10. Did I just leave the TS channel when you took this picture? LOL.

    Second, did you make the graphic as well? You'll need to teach me.
    Unless that wasn't all "from scratch". : )
  11. the graphic used wasn't all from scratch, but I just wanted to put something up in a hurry. :bashful:
  12. Shammy

    Shammy Member

    Oh man I'm gonna be the king of this game just wait gmagam
  13. Thanks Kyoji I know you worked hard on this :D
  14. Too bad "something" won't work. There's only one tune that TT goes with. There is a working "stop" button for a reason. There isn't a working play button...
  15. Yeah give us back our tunes!
  16. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin

  17. Nevermind, had to reload the website for the new stuff to load.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  18. Dang, everyone be wantin' dis music, mon!
  19. I increased the value of credits gained from participating in the Triple Triad system. The Casino is still random so if you are losing it is because of karma. Go donate or something!

    This probably will only be for a limited time and will only be used to encourage even more people to participate and reward those who do.
  20. Donating doesn't help karma for everyone. ; )
    But its still a great thing to do.