Very different, WTB more 2-D.
The music video premiered worldwide on 15 November 2010 on Myspace.[5] The video features a live-action Daley in a one-man submarine, on his journey to join Gorillaz and the rest of the collaborators on Plastic Beach.[6] 2D can be seen on a small screen inside the submarine during the "talk to me" portions of the song, as if he is trying to contact Daley. also an interview about why it sounds pop remove if necessary
I'm going to look them up on Grooveshark right now, is there an album or two that really stands out that I should try first?
Personally I like every song from all three albums. This is one of those bands where people enjoy every song they put out as Damon puts a lot of thought and effort into each one not just "hits". If you liked Feel Good Inc. Which was their biggest sucess in the US I'd check out Demon Days. It's more orchestral and has some international influence to it whereas their first self titled album is consistently rap/rock. Plastic Beach has a more electro pop feel to it with songs like Plastic Beach and Docnamatic which was the point considering it's environmental message carried from Demon Days. Must have songs would include: 19 2000 (First Album) Clint Eastwood (First Album) Rock the House (First Album) M1 A1 (First Album) Punk (First Album) Slow Country (First Album) Starshine (First Album) Feel Good Inc (Demon Days) Dare (Demon Days, Was a hit in Asia and the UK) Last Living Souls (Demon Days) O Green World (Demon Days) Dirty Harry (Demon Days) Stylo (Plastic Beach) Superfast Jellyfish (Plastic Beach) On Melancholy Hill (Plastic Beach) Rhinestone Eyes (Plastic Beach) And as a non opinion from me they are in fact the number one digital band of all time
In terms of songs released or songs bought? Or just - hmm. I'll check out the Feel Good one in a bit.
Well I've bought a hard copy of all their CDs because that's how much I like them and every single song, but those are the songs I'd recommend listening too.
I have all the cd's and the dvd of the live demon days show....5 posters and 2 shirts from the first cd...never opened the posters that are not for sale anymore.