XoO Patch 4.1

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    Welcome to the next major patch here at XoO. We will be introducing a plethora of new fun things for members to do in this patch including:

    • XoO Center
    • Credit System
    • XoO Store
    • Casino
    The XoO Center is our new proverbial fun house! There members will be able to do many various things from playing in the Casino, visiting the XoO Store, playing in the Arcade (coming soon), or simply discuss the games and/or setup events using the new gaming systems.

    The Credit System is a new implementation we are going to use which will basically be a cash system that can be utilized in the casino and store.

    Credits are handed out for many various things including:
    - posting
    - thread creation
    - poll creation
    - voting in polls
    - adding friends
    - etc...
    - and most importantly division and guild-wide events where lump sums will be awarded.

    You will also receive a "paycheck" everyday for logging in AND being active.

    Abuses of the system will result in your post being deleted, which results in you losing credits (as when an action reverts you lose more than you would of gained). Repeated abuse will be meet with warnings and further moderator action. Just don't abuse it.

    The XoO Store is a new addition which will allow users to buy shop items using the credits the obtain. Such things currently implemented are user titles and title customizations. More things will be added later on including XoO apparel.

    The XoO Store is not cheap however and those who wish to make purchases will need to be both active and supportive in order to gain the credit requirement to change your title and title's colors on a regular basis.

    The Casino is a nice new function we have installed which will allow you guys to put those credits to good use. You can either make credits or lose credits based on how casino-savvy you are.

    The casino also offers 10 man Texas Holdem! We will be holding many tournaments for this as well as other games in the casino. More details will be posted later when an event occurs.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  2. hope you add plenty of card games to the casino like blackjack, maybe even uno lol.

    But all in all this should make thinks a little more active on the forums........i hope.

    EDIT: nvm blackjack is already there.
  3. Woo! I love arcade games. Looking forward to the updates! :)
  4. Good addition.
  5. WTF texas Holdem with the guild!

    count me in!

    Still looks Crazy!
  6. Lose

    Lose Guest

    Do I get to play Kit in poker and take all her credits ?
  7. Polls... polls are bad, mmmkay?

  8. Does current activities and what-not add to credits?
    Or clean-slate once this is implemented?

    Either way, excellent! I love Kyoji's new web-stuff.
  9. I do like the addition of the black jack. I will have to say if I don't stop playing I will lose all of my credits by pushing my luck. i am looking forward to the arcade. Good work and keep it up Kyoji.
  10. i tried stealing funds from kyoji all night, lawl.
  11. Drinks for everyone!!!
    put it on dashs account
  12. I set everyone's cash to 8,500 to start. It seems last night a few people had very little and some had quite a lot. So now everyone is equal...except for admin, because we are cool like that.
  13. time to steal
  14. Alkaios

    Alkaios Guest

    This is pretty fuckin cool.
    XoO forever biatch!! :D
  15. Shammy

    Shammy Member

    Sweet stuff. :O
  16. Interesting to say the least.. Very interesting
  17. Now people can play XoO Black Jack instead of work.
  18. great update :)

    wish xoo website wasn't blocked at work so could play :(
  19. Agreed, it was at old account (was not blocked, I mean) and it is now at my new job. Angry.

    @Kyoji - was everyone reset? :( I haven't checked. I put money in my "bank" too for safe keeping.
  20. Awesome..and I dont say Awesome very often
