interesting article. even more interesting dessert. say hello to the Cherpumple, three pies baked into a cake. win.
Interesting article indeed. At first I thought it was just three pies on top of each other with icing on top of it all but his combines the cake and pie in a neat little confection. I still prefer just the pie though. Chef Phoenix looks like some type of diabolical evil food cult leader. Don't drink the Kool-aid.
I was about to make a post that said "Only in America..." or something like that, and then I read "Julie Van Rosendaal from Calgary, Alberta, made one for an October dinner club with friends, where each was to bring a dish. The meal's theme was the seven deadly sins." So: Only in America AND CALGARY ROFL
the cherry and apple would work together... please keep the pumpkin away from mine..Ill take that with just some whip cream thank you.
The discussions this has spawned at work are amazing I would also like to point out that XoO totally chose PIE in my poll a few months back so we will just have to eat around the cake.
Nah, pie won by only 7%... so i don't think that counts as a "everyone picked it" style of win cake please, hold the pie
The gift shop should have pictures of weapons and food imo. Just fun stuff to collect. TBH I would never eat this because I like my food separated into it's single goodness.
No I don't mind food touching, but I don't like to put stuff together like steak with sauteed mushrooms. I'd rather eat it both by themselves instead of together.