Call of Duty: Black Ops is up and running!

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Brownmccoy, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. [​IMG]

    Hey guys, I am just here to inform you that the Call of Duty Black Ops division is up and running! The initial bugs which existed at launch have been settled, and the game is in full swing.

    Come on down to our channel in TS and check us out! We have two pub servers, and several members on every night, and are willing to walk you through the basics of the game.

    Our pub servers are:
    Xen of Onslaught HC CTF
    Xen of Onslaught Demolition

    We hope to see you online!
  2. I'm enjoying it as well, never thought I'd say that! ; )
  3. I would join but I can't do shit on a PC FPS. My aim with a mouse is to damn bad :p
  4. gl hf and ds.
  5. Shammy

    Shammy Member

    Really impressed with the game so far, probably the best CoD game for multiplayer ever released imo!
  6. I prefer CoD4 more still. But it is an improvement over MW2.
  7. Yup. Still way to random in this game and the maps aren't the best I've ever seen.
  8. this
  9. I'm lovin' it.