So, I got about 1.5 pints of blood on me right now... apparently I got a blood nose while sleeping and bled all over my self and all over the couch. Theres a puddle of blood on the couch and I have blood all over my face and arms lol. Just thought you guys would want to know of this achievement!
To tell you the truth I've had this happen to me before. Granted I don't think I lost THAT much blood but I have been woken up in the middle of the night due to a nose bleed.
Uh, yeah. I didn't wake up due to the nosebleed, I slept through it and woke up in the morning like I normally would. Thus it never stopped bleeding. That was the point. I was sleeping next to a wood stove... making it VERY dry where I was.
Thats sounds pretty bad. You should probably take the day off and just rest, drink a lot of water, take some vitamins, and eat some other healthy food.
You should realy see an ENT asap. When I was about 8 this was 26 years ago so tech may have changed. I had realy bad nose bleeds at night. Some reason I had a vessel in my nose that was realy prone to bleeding. They took essentialy a hot iron rod and did what they call cauterizing. Basicly burned the vein to a crisp ever since I've had no nose bleeds. Defenlty something you should take serious worst case is you bleed out completely if you have some kind of clotting issue like a free bleeder.
so what did you take a shower before you posted this? also you should have sent someone a text telling them to come over then let them find you in your bed with blood all over them and record it
Nope, but I did make a gif and post it on 4chan. LOL Also, I didn't really almost die and I feel fine. Just a FYI the achievement thing was a joke.