I think it will be free to play so that will definitely help them. I was playing until the server shutdown running a ragtag group of misfits in a clan called MOB. I will give it another shot iF it comes back. ~drag.
I might play it again if they get a real anti-cheat up and running AND if they hire a support staff that shows up at work
The problem is how the game engine is made, it uses UE3 which is made with OpenGL rather than DirectX. OpenGL games are much easier to hack and a LOT harder to lock down. It might not even be entirely possible to stop the hackers. I really hope it works out though since I always wanted to play APB. But all the reviews stating how boring the game was and how terrible car driving was, a monthly subscription, and lots of hackers is what put me off.
seriously. OTher games that we know are coming are all TBA release dates and probably far out, but still they probably wont be up and running right away anyway. anyway, I let myself get excited the first time around so I'm not holding my breath. I still loved the combat style and mission setups and all that right up onto the last day, but the few problems I had with the game kind of became big ones. If they fixed my two gripes it will be a better play in my eyes then any multiplayer shooter I've played in a long time.
I have never seen a game with so much QQ and rage. And yet somehow I enjoyed playing. Solo isn't fun but a bunch of drunkards in ts makes it great! ~drag.
I'm almost willing to bet it will be f2p. K2 is known for f2p.. I don't see why they would change that now. ~Drag.
sorry for dredging up an old topic but .. K2 has bought the game and it WILL be F2P. I must admit that I'm excited because I did enjoy the game.. just sucked that there were so many elements that didn't hold up too well. ~Drag.
I don't know if I will stay with it, but I'm definately going to get it just to create a character. Shit is legit.