I'm not. Game was short. You basically did training (10 mins). Then went and killed some bandits and misc monsters (10 mins). Went to the arena (15 mins). And then went to the castle and made the final decision (5 mins). Shortest game evar.
I've loved the previous Fables but, idk I have some doubts with every new one, first one with the expansion was decent gave it some length, but not even having to work for the ultimate wep isn't that fun. I would love to do some huge side story to work for that kinda thing, but I don't really like being able to beat the game in a matter of seconds.
For anyone considering getting Fable 3, I'd recommend renting it. I played through pretty much all of it in three days. I didn't get all the gnomes or books, but I got a lot of them before I lost interest and didn't have anything else to really do.
pfft renting, burny burn burn burn? This is what I get for hooking my xbox up to my computer with a scary wire set up, had floating grounds and everything just randomly wired everywhere, and not to mention my computer and the xbox were both Benched in their bare components at the time! hilarious =P
I highly agree with you. The wife and I did 2 full playthroughs (all side quests, demon doors, etc.) in less than 2 weeks. I'm not really sure what rental "times" are lately, I haven't rented a game since I rented Dig Dug for my Nintendo.
Wish I wasn't hurt for a game at the time of purchase. I enjoyed it, but again - woulda beaten it in possibly a rental fee or two.
Average rental time for stores like Blockbuster, (thats if you still have one around) is about 5 days and around $5 a rental. Gamefly is, around $6 for the first month, $16 for every month after that for one game at a time and $22 for 2 or 3 games at a time per month. I'll stick to buying them used tyvm.
Too much math, just woke up, telling a friend how to overclock his computer, the above quote hurts my head. Off to work, /yawn.
Its not cost effective to rent a game for mabye more than 2-3 weeks. If you are going to rent it for longer you might as well buy it.