I'm picking a symbol from Blackthorne. I'm not convinced anything we've seen thus far actually means anything, considering how little coherency there seems to be (unless there's going to be a dual announcement, which I don't think they've ever done before, so uh...)
Yea that face could definitely be a lot of different things, to me it looks protoss but that might just be because its blue
I've been looking at this thread daily (thanks for all the info) and wanted to say I think its Diablo 3. Some people are saying it looks alot like the lich king. But if you looks around the nose area it just doesnt fit imo. I like Diablo but if its not a mmo I probably wont play it. Gotta remember the diablo3.com website was given to blizzard on May 1st this year so theres definatly something coming.
I really just want it to be Diablo's eyes hiding behind that ice, but there's just too many possibilities... A man can dream though, a man can dream.
There's gotta be some obscure blizzard game we're missing that incorporates that symbol with the circles... Whatever it is though it's lost on me.
People were linking yesterdays symbol to Rock N' Roll Racing, since all the racers were from different planets.
Outside sources By the way, anyone who was following the numbers associated with the Penguin, they spell out the following: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 Any LOST fans: look familiar?
well that's certainly obscure enough... I kinda doubt it but this announcement could be a new franchise altogether (seeing as they're "reviewing" their past ones through the symbols)
This is the front page on their lich king web site the eyes are now enough to comvince me it is the lich king. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wrath/ http://www.blizzard.com/us/splash.html;jsessionid=76F594FD47AE4B01863B06CE018576A6.app11_04 you guys compare and you tell me.
A) Why would they do this for a game we already know. That doesn't make any fucking sense. B) Note this picture. Also note the small V of the crease between the eyes and how it matches the image.
I'm with PDog. Since Arthas is always wearing that helmet the brow denotes another sinister blue eyed being.
Also, if I can find the image from yesterday, the 5 seals form a perfect Pentagram. Not to mention the angle of the pentagram is the same isometric angle of that used in D2. Got it